I'm the Nix. This blogs contains a random collection of everything as well as my own art and writing. I don't like people knowing more about me than I choose to reveal. I am more than a quarter of a century old and 100% Nick and 100% Gur


Nah, if yer pals with blackflimmakers/afrophunk/creatingblackcharacters or their friends like stephanos-spaceopera or neechees don’t follow me.

Block me actually.

I don’t give a shit what they’re posting about, do not interact with me if you interact with them. Blackfilmmakers/afrophunk is an abusive asshole who likes to harass anyone who doesn’t agree with them about fucking anything and their friends gleefully participate.


You gotta love writers and bullshitters who have no sense of math or scale. “It was thrown 50 yards down my hallway!” Does your house double as a football field by any chance?




[ID: A black and white, five-panel comic showing anthropomorphic rabbit characters. The protagonist wears glasses and has rounded ears, the other is a representation of the internet, and has no eyes or facial features except a mouth, and angular ears.

Panel 1 shows the personified internet throwing their arms into the air while exclaiming, “Hello! And welcome to gender-progressive online spaces!”.

The other character, replies, “Oh, thanks, physical representation of the internet”.

Panel 2 shows a zoom in on the protagonists face as he smiles, saying, “It’s honestly such a relief to find you. I’ve just–”

She is interrupted by the personified internet shouting from offscreen, in all caps, “We’ve got”

Panel 3: shows the internet’s dialogue continuing, splitting each section in half, with the word “and” in the middle of each: “She/theys and he/theys, WLW and MLM, non-men and men”, before continuing, “And, of course, the knowledge that these groups are separate, andn ever overlap!”.

The protagonist is drawn small beneath the text, mouth gaping.

Panel 4 shows the protagonist silently staring with narrowed eyes at the personification of the internet, who smiles happily.

Panel 5 shows the internet lifting a hand and exclaiming, “So, perfect for male/female bigenders who use he/she, like you!”.

The protagonist looks away with an uncomfortable grimace.

End ID.]


the fact ted is vastly underpowered compared to the threats he’s faced up against and relies on collaboration and trust in his community to make it as a hero while refusing to use his skills to make fatal weapons because he doesn’t believe he can trust people in positions of power to not abuse them

he makes me CUH RAZY


sometimes the way people talk about boostle & beatora makes it very clear they think of them a like a modern thing and not two ships with almost 40 years of history whose gay readings were known enough to get mentioned in canon years before most modern fans were born


Sometimes I just really miss the version of Ted who never made it out of the 2000s and get sad because I don’t think I’ll ever get him back.

Loudmouth class clown anti-authoritarian genius flirt who was a lonely kid that watched too much vaudeville and spent too much time on the computer, terrified of being left behind but prone to driving people away by ignoring their needs for what he sees as the greater good. Too moralistic at times and too amoral at others. Wants to be Dan. Won’t ever be Dan. Driven by that need to prove himself to the memory of the one decent & kind father figure he had by forcing himself into an adventure hero role he isn’t made for and destroying his body in the process—always pushing forward because this idea will be the good one, this plan will be the one that fixes it, this will be the time he lives up to expectations.

He was perfect to me. where have you gone my dear dreadful bug guy


rereading countdown to infinite crisis to take notes on it and the fact people like this comic will never stop being crazy to me. what a miserable slog devoid of value



rereading countdown to infinite crisis to take notes on it and the fact people like this comic will never stop being crazy to me. what a miserable slog devoid of value

this is also a book that hinges completely on ignoring Fire exists. it’s all about how Ted doesn’t have anyone who cares about him and is able to help him do sneaky spy shit uncovering JLI secrets, and you’re just supposed to pretend he doesn’t have the number of a super spy who is nosy and cares if he lives or dies


I’m also stuck again on ted calling tora “a sweet dead girl who would never hurt a fly”

Ted you have seen her beat an alien with an ice bat



I’m at OMAC Project in my booster reread and it’s nails on chalkboard that overnight we went from Booster being just Booster to everyone around him to suddenly everyone not only knowing the name Michael but using it exclusively

like not even a token attempt to explain it!! especially when Super Buddies v2 is running at the same time and in that the people who actually know Booster are calling him by Booster, his legal name he’s been using for over a decade in universe by that point, instead of this relic from the past (cough future) that’s suddenly been drug up

and like maybe the explanation is supposed to be ‘he stopped being a hero’ (which is obnoxious and underexplained. he kept being a hero when he was killed, on life support, and watched tora die in front of him but sue’s death made him quit? While TED seemingly has no issue continuing??? If you’re going to completely flip their character directions after Doomsday you have to like. Put effort into explaining why!!!)

but even that is running off an understanding where booster gold is Michael carter when he takes off the suit. He’s not. He was Booster Carter before he was Booster Gold.


sometimes I think about what would happen if booster and ted met in college

like what is 19 year old college senior ted holding a black coffee and chainsmoking through another panic attack going to say to 19 year old D-student party girl quarterback with a dark secret booster when they’re both outside the school library