Hello I´m Thelien

This is my art blog where I will post all my art

My main blog @tar-thelien where I reblog stuff and sometimes post some of my own things

My BG3 blog is @thelien-in-bg3

Spicy (NSFW) blog is @spicy-thelien

If everything goes under here are my…

My PillowFort is Tar-Thelien

My Bluesky is tarrthelien.bsky.social

My Goblin is TarrThelien

My Cara is tar-thelien

You can use my art as an icon/header as long as you give me credit (I feel the need to say this after I have been asked a few times) but please do not repost without my permission

#no art just talk is the tag I use when I just ramble and #thelien talks is the I use when I have something relevant to share, #just a reblog is when I reblog my own posts, #event post, I think gives itself up - that could for example be for pride request - and last of all #thelien wips are the tag I use when showing drawings before they´re done






Ulugblaith: (Dragon/Snake spirit: Gnomish)

About: The Ulugblaith were first made in the depths of Utumno but because of the old fortress clima they stayed in the ground near the culkanos. The first time they are heard about is in Angband where the climate is hotter and they can move around without a choice to go into diapause. They can speak Sindarin, Gnomish, Black Speech, Valarin (dragons), and a last chosen language. They have a great love for riddles, and would never say no to a compassion. Ulugblaith are selfish and tend to lean towards the evil side, they can be good but even if they are, they don´t tend to mind killing or hurting others to get what they want or prove a point. Some of them are made to withstand colder weather, those are usually a bit smaller and broader with thicker scales, their blood flows faster, and they have +1 in Dexterity and can survive a colder climate without needing a lot of clothes which can give disadvantage in movement, Dexterity and Strength, but they also have disadvantages when attacked with inflict wounds. 

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NOT ART - but I worked further with this project after a long pause because of Exams, and I´m happy about it :)

no art just talkdragonborn and tifling problem solved nowsilmarillion d&djrr tolkiensilmarilliontolkien
overlord-of-fantasy asked:

A little question: I asked for a female orc in the pride event, but not a specific one, as no names of female orcs are known. Did this count as an OC?

I thought not, because there most likely were female orcs in Tolkiens canon. If this was against the rules I'm very sorry! I did not mean to go against the rules :,)

I thought about this a bit when I got it completely forgot about it as it´s buried pretty deep😬 and I decided it doesn’t count as an OC as it´s completely unspecific with no “personal connection” meaning I have a free run for designs and history (?), and as you said they are canon in their own way - I do really like the requests and hope I get around it :)

askdont worry even if i didnt think this it was worded in such a way that made it clear you had read the post and just asked a questionps no drawing today just got my hair cut :)
Anonymous asked:

Can I request for the pride ask demisexual Annatar? 🩶

I love your Silm charadesigns by the way, always gorgeous, inventive and on point! 🩷

+ Anon with the rainbow flag

Thank you <3<3<3 trying to make him look just a tiny bit unreal/alien as always


I tried to put both in one and I think it worked out okay :)

🏳️‍🌈CELEBRATE PRIDE WITH ME🏳️‍🌈 - send in a character or a ship with a pride flag and I´ll draw it

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tolkienjrr tolkiensilmarillionannatarmaironsaurontolkien artsilm artdigital artmy artpridepride requestspride monthgaydemisexual

I talked about opening Commission in the summer a few months ago and a lot of you seemed interested there -

I won't have the time to set up a Commission page and payment method, hopeful I'll get around it in the middle of the summer break, and I talked with a friend about it who said I could make commissions where instead of money people just pay for a game I want on Steam as that way I won't be burnt out over the banks and traveling and all

I did make a prise page some time ago, that I'll publish, so the games will be around that price

Aka I promised my friend I would play Elden ring with him but I want to use the money I currently have on eating and traveling with friends and family🙃 so this way I won't feel like I'm taking away from that, and I can begin commissions a bit before I planned 🙂

Are you interested in an art Commision?

I would like a Commission now where I can pay on steam

I would like to wait for Commission with a more solid payment

Not interested in Commission/Results

See Results

If there´s interest, they´ll open after June and there´ll be around 3 to 5 open :)

PS: I know I talked about prints that some of you wanted too and I´ll begin looking more into it when I´m longer into this summer break, thank you very much for your patience <3

The prices:

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I´m going to use the Commission page I´ve been working on just with a bit edits :) - so you will see the, almost, same page when the “real commissions” come up

a-foul-and-goblin-thing asked:

hi! I love your pride month ask event so much and now I finally have a fan account and can participate this year :) could i put in a request for bi bëor? bi bëor has taken over my brain since reading the atandil series and now I cant think of him any other way <3

thanks for running this every year! such a great event

He is my nr 1 human :) - I used this request to try and play around with his design, as I like to see him a bit playful at times, anyway him in clothes picked out by Finrod


I like this design for him when visiting Finrod but not as a “wild man” :)

I drew the flag before I thought of the cape

🏳️‍🌈CELEBRATE PRIDE WITH ME🏳️‍🌈 - send in a character or a ship with a pride flag and I´ll draw it

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tolkienjrr tolkiensilmarillionbeorbalantolkien artsilm artmy artdigital artpridepride requestspride monthbisexualjust got another ask for finrod x beor XDthey are beloved indeed

I talked about opening Commission in the summer a few months ago and a lot of you seemed interested there -

I won’t have the time to set up a Commission page and payment method, hopeful I’ll get around it in the middle of the summer break, and I talked with a friend about it who said I could make commissions where instead of money people just pay for a game I want on Steam as that way I won’t be burnt out over the banks and traveling and all

I did make a prise page some time ago, that I’ll publish, so the games will be around that price

Aka I promised my friend I would play Elden ring with him but I want to use the money I currently have on eating and traveling with friends and family🙃 so this way I won’t feel like I’m taking away from that, and I can begin commissions a bit before I planned 🙂

Are you interested in an art Commision?

I would like a Commission now where I can pay on steam

I would like to wait for Commission with a more solid payment

Not interested in Commission/Results

See Results

If there´s interest, they´ll open after June and there´ll be around 3 to 5 open :)

PS: I know I talked about prints that some of you wanted too and I´ll begin looking more into it when I´m longer into this summer break, thank you very much for your patience <3

The prices:

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thelien speaks
Anonymous asked:

It was me and I'll stop, I'm sorry, please don't judge the whole fandom because I can't read, they're great people -pwotr spammer

And you just choose to ignore the other asks from you I didn´t delete where I answered you?? You just thought I was joking or would change my mind??

You didn´t think “oh this person is about to take down their pride request because some people ignore the VERY FEW rules, and I´m one of them - maybe I should stop?”

I am sure your fandom is great when I look through it fast, but this is fucking ridiculous!

Anonymous asked:

Could I maybe get pansexual goldberry? (i love your art btw!)

Thank you<3<3


As she´s described when the hobbits see her as a fair elven queen I like to think that none of them actually knows how an elven queen look but it´s how they think an elven queen should look which is why I give her some standard hobbit beauty mixed with the elven ones (her round face most notable) :)

🏳️‍🌈CELEBRATE PRIDE WITH ME🏳️‍🌈 - send in a character or a ship with a pride flag and I´ll draw it

tolkienjrr tolkienlotrlord of the ringsgoldberrytolkien artlotr artmy artdigital artpridepride requestspride monthpansexual
unityrain24 asked:

every time i see you have to answer another non-tolkien/bg3 pride request it's so sad and frustrating i'm so sorry mate T^T


Yeah, and I delete the biggest part of them….

I don´t really like stereotypes but it makes me think over those posts “god forbids people on Tumblr read anything” and makes me node a bit

But again it´s probably me - I mean you have to be a horrible person to make other people read a rule page right? Where the fandoms are even highlighted in color! The nerve I have🙃
