My Current Obsession

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Every episode of house be like:

A small child is visibly ill. They start coughing and clutching their throat, but whips out an inhaler and they’re fine. Oh shit! The man across the street just started bleeding out of both of his eyeballs!

Cut to house grimacing in pain and swallowing too much Vicodin.

Differential! Go! Shut up chase you’re an idiot.

They do a bunch of tests, everything is inconclusive!

We need to biopsy the patients eyeballs!

Cut to foreman explaining to the family about how invasive and dangerous a biopsy is.

Biopsy is inconclusive. Cut to house and Wilson. Wilson gives a long introspective dialogue about how houses addiction is deeply rooted in his own self hatred and that he pushes people away to further punish himself.

Epiphany time! Give the patient the medicine drug!

Patient is saved. House and Wilson eye fuck each other while going out for drinks.


it's actually super funny when you think about how the Superfam 🤝 Flashfam 🤝 Arrowfam 🤝 Wonderfam = basically all collectively being friends with and/or respecting the hell out of Dick Grayson

You think it's just Clark but no. Lois loves him. Post-Crisis!Kara thought of him as a mentor and big brother figure. Kon thinks he's cool. And Jon looks up to Dick a lot (and obviously Clark literally put Dick in charge of looking out for Jon while he was off-planet)

And then you think it's just Roy, but no. Lian calls him "Uncle Nightwing," Dinah thinks he's good for Babs, Conner's generally chill with him, Emiko thinks he's nice and hot (lmao), and Ollie's apparently fond enough of him that we're told Dick is the one who named the Arrowcave

And then you think it's just Wally but no. Wally's kids love him, he's on good enough terms with Bart that he sticks up for him to the JL and visits him when Bart's in a coma, Barry's willing to take orders from him, he's led Jesse on two separate teams, and Jay's willing to swing by NYC with the rest of the JSA to help him move out of the Cloisters after Final Crisis

And THEN you think it's just Donna, but no. Diana watched him grow up and thinks fondly of him, and Cassie respects Dick enough that she took Damian onto the Teen Titans on a trial basis just because Dick asked and thinks highly enough of him that SHE goes to HIM when she thinks Tim's gone crazy after Bruce's death

truly the linchpin character of the DCU, we have no choice but to stan


Obsessed with the degrees to which james wilson is a messy bitch. Primps and preens himself whenever he realises his boy best friend is stalking / sabotaging / psychological-warfare-ing him. Slept with his terminal patient. Immedicable people pleaser. Chronic adulterer. Three ex wives. PROPOSED TO HIS GIRLFRIEND AT SOMEONE ELSE'S WEDDING? Fuck you doin in the oncology wing my boy. Psychiatric ward is on the left corner