The Genius Idiot And Stick Merchant

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I’m The Genius Idiot And Stick Merchant, but as that’s a bit long, you can shorten it to Stick. My pronouns are he/they/she.

I can’t do anything about you following me if I’m already following you, but if you can’t I will get rid of you. (I unfortunately can’t do much about you following me if I already follow you.)

DNI if you believe Dutch Sign Language shouldn’t be a valid 2nd foreign language for het VWO, or if you believe that Texel around the end of the second world war wouldn’t be an interesting setting for a board game.

I’ve currently got three sideblogs:

There is also @notthegeniusidiotnstickmerchant, who is not me.

I have a couple rules I follow:

0) have fun
i) mention explosives when you have the opportunity to
2i) use the number 3728 when you get the opportunity to
3i) use maths stuff when you get the opportunity to
-i) generally cause chaos
1) don’t put undescribed images on your blog
1+i) describe any images in posts you make
1-i) if you reblog something with undescribed images, add an image description
2) soft block anyone who follows you, who you don’t follow back

If you call the two dots which I sometimes put above my letters an umlaut, I will kill you. It’s a diaeresis/trema, depending on how general you want to be. I um no lauts unless I’m speaking German, und im Internet spreche ich keine Deutsch.

I also like creating theoretical weaponry, which I tag “#Stick’s weapon development program”.

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One of my greatest pet peeves is the common Mistranslation of the Dutch word stom as stupid.


I would instead Translate it as lame. Which even has the slight Ableïst undertones.


thegeniusidiotnstickmerchant3728 asked:

As someone who frequently goes through all posts which come up when you search "pronouns" (for a gimmick blog (@pronouncounter)), I can say you sure mention pronouns a lot.

calistra1star answered:

cuz I’m gender fluid and I love express it and showing it’s a normal thing. All things I write with pronouns as a tag are about me loving my LGBTQIA+ self.

Yes I am a gimmick blog tbh but doesn’t mean I don’t write quite a bit about personal feelings of mine and being bi and genderfluid :)

Just cuz I want to be funny doesn’t mean I can’t speak about personal experiences!


Yeah, I wasn't Complaining, it's just that you have managed to get Personhood assigned by me; you are now the genderfluïd one who posts about Pronouns a lot.


lol i wasn’t like saying you were just explaining and sharing my love of being genderfluid

and also I feel so cool in the gender fluid one that talks about pronouns yay


Yeah, I was just Clarifying what I meant. (Which I’m doing Again now.) (I should probably Stop clarifying that I’m clarifying, lest I get stuck in an infinite loop.)


thegeniusidiotnstickmerchant3728 asked:

As someone who frequently goes through all posts which come up when you search "pronouns" (for a gimmick blog (@pronouncounter)), I can say you sure mention pronouns a lot.

calistra1star answered:

cuz I’m gender fluid and I love express it and showing it’s a normal thing. All things I write with pronouns as a tag are about me loving my LGBTQIA+ self.

Yes I am a gimmick blog tbh but doesn’t mean I don’t write quite a bit about personal feelings of mine and being bi and genderfluid :)

Just cuz I want to be funny doesn’t mean I can’t speak about personal experiences!


Yeah, I wasn’t Complaining, it’s just that you have managed to get Personhood assigned by me; you are now the genderfluïd one who posts about Pronouns a lot.


It's always interesting how trans people see their transition. Some people are like "I was a boy now I'm a girl" and some are like "I was always a girl" and every once in a while you get a fun one like "I used to be a boy but the girl won"


I was a boy, then I was a girl, then I was a boy, then I was neither, then I was a boy, then I was a girl, now I’m a boy again, we’ll see what I am in the future.


The book I'm currently reading starts of with two non-binary angels giving exposition on how DNA works.


Like, just to be clear, this is the first two pages of the prologue. It then goes on describing how one of the angels caused WW1 in order to get the right child for something.


It took 2 chapters to get a sex scene. Just half a page, but still.

This is Dutch literature alright.


For anyone wondering:

The prologue was exposition.

The first chapter was a communistic hater of christianity (I think) shitting on his family.

The first half of the second chapter is someone trying to fuck a psychic.

The second half is the psychic-fucker bringing home the family-shitter, and them talking about their jobs.

The third chapter is them trauma dumping on each other.


To be clear, I have extreme difficulty telling if these two are gay or not. Psychic-fucker's first thing on page Aggressively Heterosexual™, but also he said, to family-shitter "Only death can still part us." After like, not even hanging out with him for a day, only because they were conceived on the same day.


It is a QPR, I have decided.


Currently the most important characters are heterosexual greyromantic (AkA psychic-fucker), aroace (at least, I say so because I like him) (AkA family-shitter) and greysexual greyromantic (AkA music-nerd).

Familiy-shitter and psychic-fucker are in the QPR nand psychic-fucker and music-nerd are in a romantic relationship.


If you're wondering what kind of hyper-progressive book I'm reading. It's from 1992.


Also it has the sentence in the context of talking about stuff music instruments are held in: "negatieve klarinetten, dwarsfluiten, fagotten met hun mondstukken en hulpstukken, uitgespaard in zacht, verstevigd fluweel." Which I read as "negative clarinets, flutes, fagots with their mouthpieces and [assistance pieces], laid in soft, reïnforced velvet." (This is about musical instruments, which is something I'm not knowledgeable about.) (For anyone wondering, I later googled what instrument fagotten actually was, it translates as bassoons.)


Music-nerd broke up with psychic-fucker, not because psychic-fucker was fucking any women he could get into bed; she didn't mind that, but because he abruptly stopped their frankly unnecessary morning sex-scene, because family-shitter came to get him with plot. She didn't even wait to hear an explanation for why psychic-fucker needed to go; she just broke up.

I might be aroace, but I'm fairly sure this is not healthy relationship behaviour.


Also, for some reason the Dutch novel was interrupted by a letter in German about philosophy, which used a bunch of Latin terms. I was able to understand the letter with quite a bit of effort, until the Latin came in, at that point I just gave up.


I would like to say that I'm fairly sure Harry suffers from Can't Write Neurotypical People Syndrome.


Also readjusting my statements on music-nerd's and family-shitter's sexualities. Music-nerd is asexual, and I'm currently uncertain as to her romantic orientation. It is possible she's just heteroromantic and it came in quite late. Family-shitter is demisexual, I'm not sure what the term for his romantic orientation is, but it follows Newton's third law of motion.


I've read more and fear family-shitter is not demisexual.


I was gonna compliment the author for his restraint in not including a plot-relevant sex scene. That was until I realized Harry Mulisch, the motherfucker, only left it out to put another, more plot relevant, sex scene in later.




A screenshot of an AO3 work. It's fanfiction of "de ontdekking van de hemel" and called "The Discovery Of Love". It's explicit.ALT

It does not surprise me that the only fanfiction of this book is explicit.


For anyone wondering about family-shitter. He's a protestant christian (calvinist), and a social democrat. He's also gotten into politics.


Also, he's a trans man I've decided.


Family-shitter might also be a egged trans woman. I am uncertain; I'd need trans people to read the book and cast their judgement, but can't subject the unprepared mind to the horniness that is Dutch Literature™.


For anyone wondering, one of the main messages of the book is how your intrusive thoughts are just one of the aforementioned non-binary angels trying to make you fuck with the right person at the right time so your child can write a book. At least that's what I got from what I've read until now.


There is a good chance that one of the non-binary angels is aplatonic.


I also believe the best gender for them is agender. I also believe they're aroace.

So yes, you could reasonably call one of them a AAAAA (agender aromantic asexual aplatonic angel). The other is a AAAA (agender aromantic asexual angel)


My two favourite lines from it have family-shitter say that God created the constant of Planck so that we have free will, and that you can't be an intellectual without being a leftist.


Psychic-fucker fucked his ex's mother, and has been promoted to motherfucker. I blame AAAA for the first one. Motherfucker was culpable for all times that came after this.


Motherfucker's an astronomer and does work on galaxy 3 C 296, which I googled and it's study has been rather accident prone, and it is in a relatively low-density environment, with only one other similarly sized galaxy in its vicinity. This neatly parallels motherfucker's relationship with family-shitter.


Congrats to fucked-mother on getting motherfucker to become monogamous. I have no idea how she managed that, but it's extremely impressive.


Also it has the phrase, about motherfucker: "zijn homoseksuele nijging naar symmetrie", or "his homosexual tendencies toward symmetry" in English.

Anyways shippers: go wild.


For anyone wondering what these character's sexualities are: I'm certain of AAAA, and AAAAA, but have decided to give up on the other guys.


This book is supposedly about some character writing a book or something. I'm roughly halfway through and this character isn't even born yet.


I feel it's worth noting that family-shitter has Gone from linguist to politics, and when he got an Important position for education, arts, and sciences, he whispered to the Mayor of Amsterdam: "Gedurende mijn bewind zal het onderwijs bij uitstek zijn gericht op het aankweken van willoze jaknikkers. Plato indachtig zal ik de dichters meedogenloos over de kling jagen, en de wetenschap zal ik volledig gelijkschakelen en in dienst stellen van mijn persoonlijke ambities. Ik zal mij gehaat maken als nooit eerder een amsterdamse wethouder. Terwijl uw standbeeld dagelijks van verse bloemen zal woorden voorzien, zal mijn naam na eeuwen uitsluitend met de diepste afschuw worden uitgesproken."


Also the Kid who is supposed to Write the book has been born. He has very Blue eyes, and his First word was "Obelisk".


#this sounds amazing#gotta put it on my list

If you're wondering, it's De Ontdekking van de Hemel by Harry Mulisch, and has 927 pages. You have been Warned.


Also, I’m fairly sure it has two Gay men. Like the book Describes one as the other’s “Vriend”, and that’s ambiguous (either meaning friend or boyfriend), but also they live Together, and I feel other are Stretching their interpretations waaaaaay more than this.

They are from what I can tell, very Minor characters though.