the WIP project — The WIP project - positive thoughts

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The WIP project - positive thoughts


Hello writerly friends!

Are you frustrated with your WIP? Is your WIP giving you trouble? Does your story grow uncontrollable? Have your characters gone in a direction they were not supposed to? Is your WIP turning in circles but not going in a definite direction? 

Go to for a free session of book consultation. 

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Sorry about that, you know how it is, advertising is everywhere. 


As you can probably guess by the above nonsense — I’m frustrated with my WIP. And I started to notice a pattern in how I think about my WIP. I’m so negative! All I keep going on and on about is how it sucks, how it will never turn out well, how it’s too convoluted, the characters are either too complicated or too cardboard cut-out.

Doesn’t it get tiring to piss on your own enjoyment, lady?

I read/heard somewhere that negative thoughts attract more negative thoughts and positive thoughts attract more positive thoughts. And I definitely need more positive thoughts here.

So, let’s have some positive thoughts. 

My story has snarky banter that’s so much fun to write. It has a fantasy setting where I can add all sorts of whacky stuff. My main character is a grumpy older woman and I love her so much. My two main characters start on very different mindsets and they will grow with each other. With snarky banter.

Now you. List three positive things about your WIP.

@quilleth, @theoriginalladya, @kmlaney, @coffeewritesfiction, @mareebrittenford, @lilliebellfanfics, @keyboardandquill, @fontainebleau22, @kinetic-elaboration, @wildswrites, @rhikasa, @inkvulture, @heroofshield, @bad-at-names-and-faces, @sabels-small-sphere, @annaofthenorthernlights, @sarahawke

the wip project 2023 positivity

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