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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

new pinned bc some shit heel has been stalking me into my discord servers. if you’re reading this you know who are. leave me alone. there are other artists who will indulge you and none of them are me.

daily click to generate revenue to help palestine:

my art blog:

because of previously mentioned shit heel, dm me if you are interested in joining-

-the hlvrai musical discord

-the chulip discord

-my undertale/deltarune ‘we headcanon sweet cap’n cakes are siblings’ discord

like spams are ok !

you don’t have to ask but please credit me/let me know if you use my art as like a pfp or in like a comic dub or smth !

empty blogs will be presumed to be bots and get soft blocked !

your weird distaste for mspec people is fucking stupid ! people are complicated and can have complicated genders/orientations ! get over yourself !

Pinned Post words from the monarch the art gallery yknow what let’s put that tag on here too. as a directory

hi you’ve reached your local social security administration office phone number. where we cater to too large a populace at too few operational hours and 5 tries out of 7 we will leave you on hold the entire time until you give up and hang up yourself, assuming you didn’t claw your eyes out and die to the hold music. the other 2 tries out of 7 we will direct you to a different social security administration office in a different zip code that cannot help you because you do not live there. thank you for your patience!

words from the monarch so guess what my brother and i have been dealing with

Had to explain to a friend today that any mention of "adrenochrome" in almost literally any context is a wildly concerning neo-Nazi dogwhistle, so uh... just in case anyone following me is part of today's lucky ("lucky") 10,000, here's the run down:

In the 1970s, some researchers theorized that the compound adrenochrome could maybe be the cause of schizophrenia and did some studies on it (spoiler alert: it was not actually the cause of schizophrenia). Separately, a close chemical relative and derivative compound is a hemostatic medication. These are pretty much the only things that adrenochrome has ever been used for in real life. A very small number of biotech companies still synthesize it, mostly for research into other derivatives of it that could maybe also be used in surgery or as hemorrhoid medications. But there's not any irl medical use for adrenochrome itself at this time.

SEPARATELY FROM ALL OF THAT IRL STUFF there is an antisemitic conspiracy theory that Jews and/or Lizard People kidnap children, harvest their blood in order to make adrenochrome, and use it as an elixir of eternal youth.

Now you may be thinking, gosh, that sounds a lot like Blood Libel... and you would be correct! All adrenochrome conspiracy theories are at their core just repackaged Blood Libel with a vaguely sci-fi-esque coat of paint, and almost all of the ones where we know the exact origin of the conspiracy theory were created by literal neo-Nazis and white supremacists.

If you see any mention of "adrenochrome" and it's not in the context of "a small biotech company is researching it in the hope of developing new hemorrhoid meds", that is a MAJOR dogwhistle and red flag. It's a dogwhistle on about the same level as "1488", and no, I am not exaggerating when I say that. If you see someone making adrenochrome jokes, block, report, and don't touch anything of theirs with a ten foot pole. If they are not a neo-Nazi or white supremacist themselves, then at minimum they are someone who is deep enough into neo-Nazi and white supremacist social circles that they are making neo-Nazi and white supremacist in-jokes. Don't interact with them, and for fuck's sake, don't platform them; this is fundamentally not just some funny internet meme that you can laugh off.


Someone in the notes brought up "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas", and they're right that that is a bit of an interesting complication, and so I think it's probably worth adding an explanation for people who are confused.

The book "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" (and the movie that was based off of it) mentions "adrenochrome" in the context of recreational drug use – which, to be clear, is not a thing the adrenochrome has ever been used for, or even could be used for. This is like if a book or movie talked about "snorting hydrocortisone at the club".

What seems to have happened, as best I understand it, is: "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" was written by Hunter S. Thompson, who did absolutely spend time in deeply creepy far right social circles, including social circles with legit white supremacists and neo-Nazis, because he was a journalist, and was writing about the dark side of various counter cultural movements of the late 1960s and 70s, many of which absolutely had a white supremacist fringe. He seems to have confused the "adrenochrome" that he was occasionally hearing about with one of the irl stimulant drugs that was actually being used by these groups (probably dextroamphetamine), and thought that "adrenochrome" was just another street name for an irl recreational drug.

If you encounter someone talking about "adrenochrome" as though it is a street name for a recreational stimulant that has basically the same effects as dextroamphetamine, they are probably thinking of the drug as it is portrayed in "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas", and they are not necessarily a neo-Nazi.

IF, on the other hand, you encounter someone talking about adrenochrome in a context which implies that it has anything to do with remaining young, or that it's extracted from the blood of kidnapped children, or that it's used only by "the Elites", or anything else even remotely in that direction, that's 100% neo-Nazi shit, or, best case, sometimes it's neo-Nazi shit that has been filtered through Qanon.

Please don't fall into the trap of "this one movie used the term adrenochrome to refer to a different recreational drug, so idk, maybe this person who wrote about Hillary Clinton taking adrenochrome is thinking of that." In my experience, the vast majority of uses of this term are using it in the neo-Nazi / white supremacist sense, not in the "idk I think it's a street name for an upper, maybe?" sense. "Maybe they're just thinking of 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas'" is the adrenochrome equivalent of "maybe they're tagging this post 88 because it's a Chinese lucky number". It's possible, but it's rare, and context clues and common sense should pretty easily sort out the two uses from each other.

thats why a dogwhistles a dogwhistle brother bc you hear it and go Well Maybe Its Nothing the only real way to deal with them is zero tolerance <- prev tags

so many omori blogs following me lately as of like maybe yesterday. I Don’t say this to be disparaging I think the game is neat I just think people Who Have Only Posted Omori on their blogs collectively following me out of nowhere to be a little smilesome. I don’t go here but have fun

smilesome being a word i made up just now to describe this phenomenon where i post wholly unrelated to what seems to be the poeple suddenly following me en masse' Primary Interest yknow its not a bother but i wonder what led you here Bc Like Obviously people have other interests. realistically i imagine theyre following me for deltarune bc rhats what *i* been posting ijust say this bc i dont see any of it. like in this instance i see omori and nothing else and from At Least a few people recently following AGAIN i dont mean this to be disparaging i think its just a little funny Comparing Blogs Like That words from the monarch

happy pride i say over and over as throw these at you like rocks

capn’s suit is based on this one which i hope is the actual source bc i also saw it on places like ebay and aliexpress ! i wanted to draw ralsei’s suit but wanted to maintain the flow-y silhouette of a dress for one of them but also didn’t want to draw capn in one bc i just don’t think he’d like them much !

the art gallery deltarune capsei scc cant believe i hadnt done a dating hud joke before now HSBSNDNSJ

i realize this is probably such a nothing topic or maybe even a little mean but i really do not like when people dub things and ad-lib lines. it is just Incredibly grating to me bc Every time I see it happen it drags down the joke. the very iconic hamilton(sorry) textpost that was like “sorry i was late I was… doing things” “he pushed me down the fucking stairs” is perfect on its own and I hate that it got dubbed and ad-libbed with “I wouldn’t say pushed, I would more say I just gave you a little nudge” “I’ll give you a little nudge when I put my foot up your ass” “hey watch your fucking language in front of the president” just. isn’t really funny to me and I don’t see why it was added or how it’s supposed to add to the joke. you took away the punch of the punchline

words from the monarch

hamouda-az asked:

Hello.. Please, I am Muhammad from Gaza.. I want you to contribute to spreading my campaign.. to repair what was destroyed by the war and try to survive this genocide.. Thank you 🇵🇸💔

kociamieta answered:

this family hasn’t received much help yet, please consider supporting them if you can. link