Join a partner-run Microsoft Syntex workshop
Published Jan 26 2023 09:00 AM 5,293 Views

Welcome, 2023! It’s a new year, which means a fresh opportunity to reexamine your content management strategy and get more out of your content.


Whether you’re looking to begin digitizing your content management (got boxes stored in warehouses, anyone?) or you’re scouting to uplevel your current content services platform, it’s time to tackle the explosion of content in your organization. Cue Microsoft Syntex – Content AI integrated in the flow of work.


Did you know that you can join a workshop offered by a Microsoft partner to introduce you to Syntex and answer any burning questions? Members of the Content AI Partner Program (CAPP) are eligible to run these workshops with Microsoft customers to showcase how Microsoft Syntex can help you and which use cases it can provide the most value, at your organization.


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And while we’re at it – calling all partners in Microsoft CAPP (Content AI Partner Program)! Did you know Microsoft offers you support to lead Syntex workshops for your customers by way of incentives and assets? We’re excited to work together and elevate your value-added services, to help drive your customers’ digital work transformations. Get started with planning a workshop today. If you’re not yet a CAPP partner learn more about the program and join here.



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Last update:
‎Jan 30 2023 02:41 PM
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