showing 9 posts tagged #userdean
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    (for @captain-hen)

    [ID: two gifs of Buck and Eddie.

    GIF 1: Buck and Eddie in 7.02, Buck telling Hen that they’ll make the new captain’s life a living hell while Eddie slides his hand out of his pocket to slap the back of it against Buck’s arms admonishingly.

    GIF 2: Eddie reaching for food when Buck comes forward and slaps his hand away from the platter. Eddie looks annoyed, but stops reaching for the food.

    /end ID]

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    (or, really, zee thinks she’s funny) (pt 7)

    [tweet credit]

    [ID: two gifs of Buck and Eddie in 911 episode 2.01, in the gym.

    GIF 1: Buck telling Eddie, looking frustrated and pissed off, that he’s his problem. Overlaid is a gif by @/galacticidiots on Twitter, reading, “I can’t flirt but I can piss you off. It’s the same thing. Both will get your attention. Both will make your cheeks turn a pretty shade of red. Both will have you eyeing my lips.”

    GIF 2: Eddie eyeing Buck like he’s trying to figure him out, tilting his chin up as Buck continues to speak, biting the inside of his bottom lip like he’s figured it out.

    /end ID]

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    (eddie’s version)

    [ID: 2 black and white gifs of Eddie Diaz and Evan Buckley from 911 7.04. Overlaid is a quote from Fleabag.

    GIF 1: Buck turning to look at Eddie, slightly wistful. The text reads, “I love you.”

    GIF 2: Eddie looking at Buck, saying “right” before looking down, his smile dropping as his brow creases for a faint moment. The overlaid text reads, “It’ll pass.”

    /end ID]

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    put me back together and take my heart
    i never thought that I could love this hard

    [ID: two black and white gifs from 911 4.13. the gifs are overlaid with text from Shivers by Ed Sheeran. Between both gifs is a continuous, red, transparent line that connects the text.

    GIF 1: Eddie stands shellshocked in front of Buck off-screen, having just been shot in the shoulder. The lyric reads, “i took an arrow to the heart.” The text is arranged in a zig zag formation, with “heart” written in a cursive font.

    GIF 2: Buck reeling back as Eddie’s blood splatters on his face. The lyric reads, “I never kissed a mouth that tastes like yours”. The text is arranged in a zig-zag formation, with “mouth” written in cursive font.

    /end ID]

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    3x14 || 7x03

    [ID: two gifs from various episodes of 911.

    GIF 1: Buck opening the door to his apartment with his mail in one hand, phone pressed to his ear with the other. He’s saying “Go for buck” as he answers the phone.

    GIF 2: Tommy exchanging a look with Hen in the co-pilots seat before he takes a deep breath and says into his radio, “Go for Kinard.”

    /end ID]

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    i can’t remember her voice.

    [ID: two gifs of Eddie Diaz standing outside Christopher’s room, overheating Chris and Buck’s conversation. His brow is wrinkled in pain, arms crossed over his chest. He closes his eyes, tilting his head back against the wall when he hears Chris’ words, head turning away from the entrance of his room. /end ID]

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    (or, really, zee thinks she’s funny) (pt 4)

    [tweet credit]

    [Image ID: three gifs of Evan Buckley, Eddie Diaz and Ravi Panikkar in 911 episode 5.05, Peer Pressure. The gifs have been manipulated to look purple.

    GIF 1: Eddie grasping the edges of the kitchen table, tilting his head in Buck’s direction as he tells him matter-of-factually, “You’re stuck with us.” His lips purse into a knowing smile as he looks fondly at Buck across the table.

    GIF 2: Buck looking surprised initially before a smile begins to take his expression. His tongue darts out to wet his bottom lip as he gestures absently in Eddie’s direction, speechless.

    GIF 3: Ravi looking at Eddie, then towards Bobby as he states, “You guys are so weird” before dissolving into a laugh. Overlaid in the bottom left corner is a tweet by @/ironicallybee. The tweet reads, “man these bitches flirt weird.”

    /end ID]

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    you can come if you want. vs. i want you there.

    [Image ID: three gifs of Nick and Charlie in Heartstopper episode 2.06, “Truth/Dare.” They’ve come to a café to meet Nick’s dad.

    GIF 1: Charlie looking over at an anxious Nick, his expression worried as he asks, “Would you feel better if I waited here?”

    GIF 2: Nick adamantly shaking his head as he says, “No.” He’s looking at Charlie like he can’t imagine not having him there. He continues, insistent and determined, “No, please come with me.”

    GIF 3: Charlie looking mildly taken aback as a faint, surprised smile takes over his expression. He turns his head to follow Nick as Nick begins towards his father.

    /end ID]