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    narrator: that’s when everything changed

    (or, if i had a nickel for every time disaster gays told each other nothing would change when everything did, i’d have two nickels.)

    [ID: two color gifs from 911 7.05 and two black and white gifs from Red, White and Royal Blue, alternating.

    GIF 1: Eddie leaning towards Buck, his expression open and earnest as he reassures him, “This doesn’t change a thing between us, okay?”

    GIF 2: Henry holding Alex against the back of the cough as they kiss, his hands moving to Alex’s buttons as he says, “To be clear, this changes nothing between us.”

    GIF 3: Buck watching Eddie expectantly, his expression looking lost as he nods, looking down as he says, “Good, that’s a relief.” His tone is flat, as if he was waiting for something else.

    GIF 4: Henry continuing to unbutton Alex’s shirt as their noses bump together. Alex holds on to Henry’s waist as he says, “I was about to say the same thing.” Henry laughs as his hands move to Alex’s chest, saying, “No you weren’t.”

    /end ID]

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