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    i believe in chemistry.

    [ID: 3 gifs of Eddie Diaz from 6.17 and 7.04.

    GIF 1: Eddie talking exasperatedly in the truck to the team as he adjusts his mic, saying, “I just want what I had when I met Shannon.”

    GIF 2: A black and white gif of Eddie in 7.04, telling Buck about Tommy. He says, “Y’know, it’s like that thing when you meet somebody and you just…click, y’know what I mean?”

    GIF 3: Eddie tooking nostalgically, unseeing as he tells the team, “It just happened. It was magic.”

    /end ID]

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      i believe in chemistry....[ID: 3 gifs of Eddie Diaz from 6.17 and 7.04.