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i’m kind of obsessed with baking bread lately. 


crumb shot:


Recipe (basically a halved “flour salt water yeast” recipe for overnight white bread that I made last night):

500g bread flour
390g water
11g sea salt
.5g yeast

Mix flour and water, let sit for 20-30 minutes. 

Sprinkle on salt and yeast and incorporate using the pincher method. You’re supposed to fold the dough a few times before allowing it to rest for the bulk fermentation, but I was tipsy and tired so I only folded it once after 20 minutes before covering it and letting it rise.

Let rise for 12-14 hours until slightly more than doubled.

Generously flour a banneton basket (or lightly grease a large bowl).

Gently scrape dough onto a well-floured surface. Stretch dough and fold over in quarters until a semi-tight ball forms. Place in banneton/bowl, seam-side down.

Let rise an additional 1-1.5 hours until doubled — but after the first 30 minutes of this final proofing, place a dutch oven w/lid in oven and preheat to 450F. 

CAREFULLY flip dough out of banneton/bowl and place dough into preheated dutch oven. The side of the dough that was against the bowl/banneton should now be on top. Score dough, if desired, and cover. 

Bake for 30 minutes with the lid on, then remove lid and bake for an additional 15-25 minutes, depending on how dark you like it. I baked this one for 15 minutes with the lid off. 

N.B. My bread turned out oval because my round dutch oven’s lid handle is only heat resistant to 428F. I borrowed my sister’s oval dutch oven with a metal handle, so the dough expanded towards the sides. 

food recipes bread

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