
Taiga Mishuka


Oh no I’m hyper fixating again
22 y/o

this guy's beef got old enough to have geology

Item: did you know that if you leave beef broth in a bottle long enough you can grow Beef Crystals


The group this was posted in has been advertised to me several times on FB, and I think it's important to know where it's from- the group is called Dull Men's Club (gender neutral though, their rules explain the name was kept from the I think 80s when they started and had separate groups but anyone that believes in and agrees to abide by their rules can join).

The group's major conceit is only this: finding joy in ordinary (see: dull) things.

And they often do


HATE when you’re inserting your email somewhere and literally from the first letter the website is like “invalid email address” like yes i know. I’m typing it right now. My email address is obviously not just the letter ‘m’. Stop


This is a picture of a cis woman, y’all are literally just racist

TERFS DID THIS TO ME ON TUMBLR. I got an anon telling me I passed terribly. like. I'm literally cis and by telling me I do not pass, you are showing that you view womanhood in ways that are not only regressive for trans folk but also regressive and harmful for the very cis women you claim to support and prioritize. They uphold the very beauty and gender performative standards they seek to diminish. Fuck terfs.

Daily reminder that TERFism has roots in both fascism (eugenics, patriarchal gender performance) and white supremacy (euronormative standards of beauty and biology) and is by no means a viable form of feminism.


“This” is now a political ideology for some people.

I just want to say, kids, that there was a time when spelling errors were enough to destroy a politician’s career. And I miss those times now.


I... what... why?

I'm almost afraid to ask what sparked this.

It was revealed that Donald Trump wears diapers and his MAGA cult went and started to paint it as like... a machismo thing:

So now it's like. A war cry. Where they're also saying "diapers over Dems"

And wearing diapers to rallies and such. It's a very bizarre movement of taking a morally neutral thing like wearing diapers and turning it into a masculinity thing.

... sure.


I need to show this to my mom. She called Trump wearing diapers YEARS ago from some video. Solely because she's a nurse and she's seen enough people walk and wear pants with diapers that she can tell from a blurry video.

I thought for sure she was making it up. But this? I don't know what to do with this

Personally, I see nothing wrong with wearing diapers. I mean, incontinence is a thing, and he's an old man.

But why the hell are they using it as a statement?I dunno whether to laugh or cry

Man, what a clown world we're living in


For real though:

Serve Coffee

Turn the lights up higher

Turn off the music

Start cleaning up or washing dishes

Put away drinks and food. Offer people portions of the leftovers.

Return things to their normal, non guest accommodating state (take the leaf out of the table, put away extra seating)

Thank people for coming

Discuss (in the past tense) how lovely the visit/party/gathering was

Ask people about their arrangements to get home safely

Ask people about their plans for the rest of the day/evening

Inform them of your plans for the rest of the day/evening

If your guests still won't take the hint, you're just gonna have to pretend your appendix burst or something.


The people who police your gender will police your gender even if you're cis.

Eat them.

"OH those body builder women with pancake breasts arent-" eat them.

"This woman has a beard, thats not-" eat them.

"That man has a baby face, that's not" - eat them with barbecue sauce.

Eat them. You will never be gender enough for their definition of gender. Eat them.


i love that discord doesn't tell you if someone's read your messages. like genuinely. normalize others not needing every second of your time right away. normalize taking time to formulate a proper answer. normalize this.


oh apparently OP on that funny gun post meant it negatively and they're pissed people draw guns badly or just don't care enough for them so

if you draw guns like this i'm kissing you in the mouth personally. i am giving y'all a free pass to draw them as simple or as badly as you'd like.

also please make your guns weirder whenever someone complains about them, just make them out of meat. make them have 3 triggers. make them stupid and glowy and give them a heart shaped barrel. make your critics grovel in pain as you create horrors beyond their comprehension. let gods tremble as you corrupt the divine art of creation for your nefarious whims. its funny


There is no point at which anyone has actually seen Hamas "hide behind" civilians unless you stretch that definition to mean "hypothetically exist in the same fifty square miles," but when someone actually does literally "use a human shield," that is supposed to make the army put their guns down and negotiate because even a baby understands that if you still shoot through the human shield you're just a murderer.

I said this months ago but I want to reiterate it and that every last person who disagrees with this sentiment is unforgivably disgusting.


Why are there like 5 daily chores where if you skip them for 2 days your life becomes a time based psychological thriller after

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