Anonymous asked:

im loving your newest fansite 'newsflash'! its probably one of the better fansites ive seen in a long time. i'm curious if there's a way to make the posts 540px instead of 500px (that i can do myself if i can figure it out lol) so posts dont look so squished? ^^ if not, that's fine! <3

thank you so much!

to change the post width, search for section{ and just change max-width:500px; to whatever you want (e.g. 540px). On a smaller screen it will automatically reduce the width.

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    THEME 1: Discord

    A theme replicating Discord’s layout, using unnested captions for a server-like feel.

    Live preview (temporary) | Static previews: home page, permalink | Code


    • Responsive
    • Unlimited custom links
    • Supports new post types/pinned posts
    • Pagination or infinite scroll (manual load/automatic)
    • Light/Dark modes: set your default color mode + optional toggle
    • Custom colors for special text/links/other accents
    • Custom fonts and text sizes
    • Optional header image, avatar, description, search bar, like/reblog buttons, tags, Archive/Random links, and date/timestamps
    • (Optional) Custom Discord tag#1234 - set it to whatever you’d like!
    • (Optional) FAQ/Submission Guidelines sections that appear above the form on Ask/Submit pages
    • (Optional) Use the default Discord fonts if the viewer has them downloaded!
    • And more!

    Given the complexity of the light/dark modes, the gray/white backgrounds aren’t customizable, but a good deal else is!

    Theme credits: Original design by Discord, tooltips by atomiks, Tumblr controls by seyche, icons from Font Awesome, custom like buttons by Demirev, infinite scroll by Paul Irish+Metafizzy, NPF photosets fix by glenthemes, dark/light mode toggle by eggdesign

  • code by taezs