I once was a spy, how could I be a spy again?

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

len-the-neverending asked:

How specific are you about your location on Tumblr?

NOTE: I've seen people who freely talk about what neighborhood they're from on here, and other people who won't even say what continent they're on for fear of getting doxxed, so I'm curious to know where most people fall.

Answer whichever one someone would be able to realistically find if they scrolled through your blog for a little while.

  • No information whatsoever
  • Hemisphere
  • Continent
  • Region of continent (ex. Eastern Europe)
  • Country
  • Region of country (ex. the US Midwest)
  • State/province/similar administrative division
  • City
  • Region of city (ex. Manhattan)
  • Neighborhood
  • Street name
  • Another degree of specificity not listed here

apolladay answered:

How specific are you about your location on Tumblr? NOTE: I’ve seen people who freely talk about what neighborhood they’re from on here, and other people who won’t even say what continent they’re on for fear of getting doxxed, so I’m curious to know where most people fall. Answer whichever one someone would be able to realistically find if they scrolled through your blog for a little while.

No information whatsoever



Region of continent (Ex. Eastern European)


Region of country (Ex. the US Midwest)

State/Province/Similar administrative division


Region of city (Ex. Manhattan)


Street name

Another degree of specificity not listed here

Please do not give your address out online! - H :)

country but I'm pretty sure hungarians can deduce a bit more specifics

mythuzalasheir3 asked:



missholloween answered:

YESSSS thank you so much, this is like one of my favorite aus ever (I haven’t posted anything on tumblr about it yet) (this is going to be long)

So, in this universe, Curt and Owen wouldn’t be spies, but werewolf hunters. They are still two of the best agents on the field, working together as a pair both professionally and romantically.

One day, during one of their missions, Curt doesn’t clean up the area as well as he should, but neither of them give it enough importance. However, when the wolf is chasing after them, Owen trips and falls. Curt doesn’t stop running away, not even turning when he hears Owen scream in pain. He thinks it’s too late for him.

Little does he know, Owen isn’t dead, but mortally wounded: the wolf’s claws had pierved Owen’s skin too deeply in many parts of his body. It is in the pain of the wounds and the rage of the betrayal that Owen transforms for the first time.

In this au, Owen wouldn’t quite be the deadliest man alive, but the deadliest werewolf: he would’ve given in to his instincts and emotions, that are a swirl of anger, betrayal and grief. He’d use being a werewolf to become one of the monsters he and Curt used to hunt, luckily taking him with. It’s an easier way to cope with his new self, it’s an easier role to fill. After all, it’s only a matter of time that one of the hunters gets him. He can give them a show before he goes.

(I must add that, although in this universe, werewolves are like really linked to their emotions, they can control themselves. Owen wouldn’t be trying to do it tho, giving in to the bloodlust).

Cut to Curt, that would’ve retired after Owen’s “death”, as he wouldn’t be able to kill anymore. However, after 4 years, the other werewolf hunters would ask him to return, as Owen would’ve been targetting hunters.

During the investigation, Curt would notice small things that reminds him of Owen in the places the wolf has allegedly been in. Curt would mostly attribute this to grief. Until he’s face to face with Owen, and he cannot deny it anymore.

I’d like to think they’d start a long-term chase, à la One Step Ahead but longer, (or like Daisy and Basira in tma, iykwim), with both of them clashing and maybe talking? Ish? Through the violence? It would be enough to make Curt realize that, behind the wolf, Owen’s still there.

However, instead of putting a (silver) bullet in his partner’s brains, I think I’d be interesting to see Curt transforming too, and see both of them deal with it. Maybe it would fix them (certainly not, but wouldn’t it be cool to see werewolf!curtwen fighting?)

TL;DR: I love lycanthropy as a metaphor of things, and Owen is the perfect fit for most of them (anger, rejection, being queer, being othered, etc.). Being a werewolf woulnd’t fix him, it would make him worst, but maybe after like so many deaths it could save him! He might even be forced to get a healthy coping mechanism to deal with lycanthropy! And if Curt becomes a wolf too, he might finally understand the horrors of staying alive.

oughhh this is so funnnn

Like we know Biden would never but God imagine if he just had Trump assassinated as an official act right now and then resigned from office. What would SCotUS even do.


Like you can't impeach him, he's resigned. You can't prosecute him, that was an official act as God-President. You can't even turn the precedent over, you just fucking set it. Joe just goes home and lives out his remaining year retired from the public eye and gets to watch the chaos unfold on TV.


this reads like a bonkers end to some novel where the author write themself into a corner