

The writers of the fallout show rlly did just say ‘this one’s for the ghoulfuckers’ huh?

You don’t cast Walton Goggins if you don’t want people to daydream about getting that dick.


gingers looking good in uniform

Scott Grimes is so fucking talented in so many ways, and one of those is that after he leaves Skip and Penk, his eyes never light up the same again. He should be ECSTATIC at this job, and he IS. But it’s not in his eyes anymore. He lost his best friends, and he’ll never get them back, and nothing will ever bring that happiness back to him.






why is this the hottest thing i’ve ever seen




I need everyone to know that I looked it up, and Noah Lyles is doing this as part of an ongoing bet he has with shotput competitor Chase Jackson. She’s wearing Naruto accessories every day, and if Lyles whips out Yugioh cards at every race, then for the shotput finals Jackson will re-enact the scene of Rock Lee dropping his weights.

This is now the only part of the Olympics that I care about.


Update. Chase Jackson followed through. (And also secured her spot to the Olympics with a first place throw of 20.10 m).

Love hot nerds going to the Olympics. Brains and brawn. Hey cuties.







movies where someone hears an important message only once and retains all the details….

girl if that were me, we’d be fucked. I have to reread emails like 4 times.

if it were me having to repeat my dead father’s instructions on destroying the death star:


I was in a college psych class, and the teacher was doing some kind of exercise about memory, patterns, and retention. He began with, “for instance, if I asked you what number the first letter of your name is in the alphabet, you wouldn’t be able to tell me right aw–”

“Ten,” I said.


“J. J is ten,” I said again.

He stared at me.

“I happened to learn it while looking at the alphabet when I was five or six, and it just stayed in my brain,” I told him.

Then we did an exercise on retention. “I’m going to tell you a story,” he said, “and then I’m going to send you out of the room for five minutes, and when you come back, you have to repeat as much of the story back to me as possible.”

He told me a long and meandering story with no plot or structure, just a random series of events, place names, actions, etc. Then he sent me out of the room.

I looked at the wall for a while.

He called me back in five minutes later, stood me up in front of the class, and asked me to repeat “just as much of the story as you remember.” Apparently while I’d been gone he’d been telling the class about how eyewitness accounts aren’t reliable because people don’t remember things well after a certain period of time.

So I told his story back to him– not verbatim, but certain phrases were exact– and watched the consternation in his face as I accidentally blew up his (valid! and extensively studied!) lesson about how bad people’s retention is.

“It’s like a song,” I tried to explain to him, and the class. “Or a poem. Every part of the story has a little tag to remember it. I looked at the chalkboard while you were saying this part. My leg itched while you were saying that part. A chair squeaked during the next part. Then I just have to come back and go over all the sensations that I had while you were”

“Sit down,” he said.

I sat.

Turns out I’m Autisms Georg adn should not have been counted

ADHD version: A friend asked, on a field trip, why I knew the scientific name for Caltha palustris, “Well, we did that [one week long] field ID course [three years previously] and we saw it in one of the bogs”.

This, I was informed, is very much not a normal reason to remember the scientific name of a plant for the rest of your life.

It took me five whole years to learn when my partner’s birthday is.

I can remember specific details about games I played over two decades ago that I have not played since.

I once forgot it was my birthday. On my birthday. And when my sister (Who lived several hours away) jumped out of hiding and yelled happy birthday, I looked around to see who she was talking to.


I have this kind of memory as a response to trauma. You either don’t remember much or you remember EVERYTHING. I am an EVERYTHING type of memory.

My first full-time job, my boss asked me to repeat a conversation I’d had with a client who’d been very rude to me. I started with “Okay, so he called, and I answered, and then he said–” and about halfway through the actual call, my boss goes, “Um. Okay. Can you skip ahead?”

“Gimmie a sec.”

And I had to let the rest of the conversation up to the relevant part go through my head before I could pick it up again. But I was verbatim.

Also, that boss ruled because I dealt with a lot of customer shit-talking, and he figured out from that one interaction that he should come to me and say, “I heard X said something rude. What did they say?” And then just wait while I replayed the tape in my head and found the part he needed.

Can I recognize someone’s face when I’ve met them a half-dozen times? Nope. But I will remember so many details of a conversation no one is asking about if a single thing reminds me.



Masters of the air, Bucky and Buck - E02

#in front of their air exec the raf and a pub full of locals

I honestly can’t recall if Jack is air exec at this moment in the ep. Bucky may still have been. But who fucking cares because if Jack WAS at this point, he was still in murder-form and likely wishing one of them would get punched in the face.

I bet he was so disappointed it was Curt who took the fight because he’s got no beef with Curt. Curt didn’t scheme him into Air Exec.

Oh no I’ve had an idea.




feeling so many feelings about all of this

brennan just going right ahead and saying the quiet bit out loud here


I had terrible friends from elementary school through high school. I let people constantly devalue me and treat me terribly because I was more scared of not being loved than anything else.

Because, frankly, I wasn’t getting loved at home.

Even now, I still struggle to just flat-out tell people I’m having a hard time because I have spent so much time having my needs ignored that even with people I KNOW care and don’t need me to put a nice spin on it, I still will put a nice spin on it.

I literally did it two days ago, in fact. I made a complaint slightly funny in the end because I didn’t want to drag anyone down.

Because that’s how I felt when I had to fight for people to treat me well for a very long time: Like I was dragging them down. Because THEY would lecture me about how I was being mean, being an attention whore, being too much. For asking them not to be shitty to me.

It’s a work in progress. I’m happy to say I can go months now without feeling like I’ve got to put on a little show to tell people how I feel and what I need, but oh, it’s always there.

Like, I’m still shocked when people who have met me a few times ask after me to other people who know me. Like, why would they remember me? What’s so special about me to remember?

See again getting no love at home.

I am valuable as myself, and the people who ask after me, the friends who I trust to be utterly honest with, they see that value and know that value and know me for me. But sometimes I gotta remind myself too.

So, this is my reminder to me, and my reminder to YOU.

We just finished episodes 3 and 4 of Fallout, and I love how the show makes you wait until the end of episode 4 to get the pay off about Cooper’s issues with the scene he was shooting in episode 3, and I love how it very clearly shows up who Lucy truly is as a person. Naivete isn’t stupidity, and kindness isn’t weakness. She’s surviving and adapting, and she will do it her own fucking way.

Just having a great time, and I will never not love Walton Goggins but the way he plays Cooper and the way he plays The Ghoul are so fuckin good. ARGH. The scene about the lavender taffy???? And then using Lucy as BAIT?!



An in-progress crocheted scarf. It says "CAUTION C" in black text on a yellow backgroundALT

current work in progress: caution tape scarf

completed caution tape scarf, rolled up to look like a roll of caution tapeALT
the caution scarf being modeled by a personALT
the scarf laid out on the floorALT


Oh, this is GREAT!



This like when the costco founder said he’d kill the cfo if he tried to raise the price of the hot dog

Is it Arizona Iced Tea who has said to call the company and report if you find it priced over 99 cents? I know it was someone who has a long-standing price point.