Reblogging and the New Post Forms

As many of you know, Tumblr is implementing a new post form which allows us to post and reblog content the same way we’re reading it. With the new forms, however, a lot of things have moved around a little, and there have been a lot of questions about the “Reblog As” feature in particular.

When you reblog a long Text post, we default to truncating the content and reblogging it as a Link post, linking back to the original Text Post. In a lot of situations this helps prevent your follower’s Dashboards from being dominated by walls of text, but sometimes you still want to reblog the entire content. You can still do this in the new post forms.


This is a large text post, the first one encountered on the #Politics tag. First, I’m going to try to reblog it.


As you can see, the content is truncated, and the post type becomes a Link (you can see the icon in the upper right corner, beside the gear). To change this back, click that Link icon.


You will then be given the option to change your post type into a Text, Link, or Quote post. I’ll be switching this reblog back to the original Text post.


And there you have it. When I hit “Reblog post” the post will appear just as it did in the original content, with any additional commentary I’ve included.

If you have any issues with this process, or with the new post forms overall, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.