We’ve been getting lots of questions about a new browser extension called Babblr. Mostly from users asking if Tumblr created Babblr, and if it’s safe to use. We wanted to reach out and explain.
Tumblr has no association with or relationship to...

We’ve been getting lots of questions about a new browser extension called Babblr. Mostly from users asking if Tumblr created Babblr, and if it’s safe to use. We wanted to reach out and explain. 

Tumblr has no association with or relationship to Babblr. Babblr is a browser extension developed and maintained by third parties, and isn’t supported by Tumblr. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to the Babblr developers directly - we cannot pass messages along to them. We also cannot say how safe or unsafe any third-party applications, like Babblr, may be, nor can we make any statements about how they behave or what information they collect about you.