If you’re in emotional distress or suicidal crisis, find help in your area with Find a helpline.
If it’s an emergency, call 911. You can also go to your nearest emergency room. A medical professional can give information about your particular circumstances.
If you believe that someone else is in danger of suicide and you have their contact information, contact your local law enforcement for immediate help. You can also encourage the person to contact a suicide prevention hotline using the information above.
Learn more about personal crisis information with Google Search.
Where crisis information comes from
Google’s crisis information comes from high-quality websites, partnerships, medical professionals, and search results.
Important: Partnerships vary by country and region.
Country | Hotline organization | Website | Phone number |
Argentina | Centro de Asistencia al Suicida | www.asistenciaalsuicida.org | (011) 5275-1135 |
Australia | Lifeline Australia | www.lifeline.org | 13 11 14 |
Austria | TelefonSeelsorge Österreich | www.telefonseelsorge.at | 142 |
Belarus |
Телефон доверия экстренной психологической помощи |
375 (17) 311-00-99 |
Belgium | Centre de Prévention du Suicide | www.preventionsuicide.be | 0800 32 123 |
Belgium | CHS Helpline | www.chsbelgium.org | 02 648 40 14 |
Belgium | Zelfmoord 1813 | www.zelfmoord1813.be | 1813 |
Brazil | Centro de Valorização da Vida | www.cvv.org | 188 |
Bolivia |
Familia Segura |
800113040 |
Canada | Crisis Services Canada | crisisservicescanada.ca | 833-456-4566 |
Chile | Ministry of Health of Chile | www.hospitaldigital.gob | 6003607777 |
China | Beijing Suicide Research and Prevention Center | www.crisis.org | 800-810-1117 |
Costa Rica | Colegio de Profesionales en Psicología de Costa Rica | psicologiacr.com/aqui-estoy | 2272-3774 |
Croatia | Linija pomoći Plavi telefon | www.plavi-telefon.hr | 00385-1-4833-888 |
Denmark |
Livslinien |
70 201 201 |
Dominican Republic |
Linea Familiar |
1 809 636 3507 |
Ecuador |
Línea de Asistencia en Salud Mental MSP 171 opción 6 |
171 |
Fiji |
National Crisis Toll-Free Line | Suicide Prevention |
1543 |
Finland | Kriisipuhelin | mieli.fi/tukea-ja-apua/kriisipuhelin | 09-2525-0111 |
France | SOS Amitié | www.sos-amitie.org | 09 72 39 40 50 |
Germany | TelefonSeelsorge Deutschland | www.telefonseelsorge.de | 0800 1110111 |
Hong Kong | Suicide Prevention Services | www.sps.org | 2382 0000 |
India | iCall Helpline | icallhelpline.org | 9152987821 |
Ireland | Samaritans Ireland | www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help | 116 123 |
Israel | [Eran] ער"ן | www.eran.org | 1201 |
Italy | Samaritans Onlus | www.samaritansonlus.org | 06 77208977 |
Japan | Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology | www.mext.go.jp | 81-0120-0-78310 |
Japan | Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan | www.mhlw.go | 0570-064-556 |
Kazakhstan |
Служба "Национальная телефонная линия доверия для детей и молодежи" № 150 |
150 | |
Malaysia | Befrienders KL | www.befrienders.org | 03-76272929 |
Malta |
Supportline 179 |
179 |
Netherlands | 113Online | www.113.nl | 0800-0113 |
New Zealand | Lifeline Aotearoa Incorporated | www.lifeline.org | 0800 543 354 |
Norway | Mental Helse | mentalhelse.no | 116 123 |
Pakistan | Umang Pakistan | www.umang.com.pk/ | 0311-7786264 |
Peru | Linea 113 Salud | www.gob.pe/555-recibir-informacion-y-orientacion-en-salud | 113 |
Philippines | Department of Health - Republic of the Philippines | doh.gov.ph/NCMH-Crisis-Hotline | 0966-351-4518 |
Portugal | SOS Voz Amiga | www.sosvozamiga.org |
213 544 545 963 524 660 912 802 669 |
Puerto Rico | Línea PAS | ASSMCA | lineapas.assmca.pr.gov/ | 1-800-981-0023 |
Russia | Фонд поддержки детей, находящихся в трудной жизненной ситуации [Fund to Support Children in Difficult Life Situations] | www.ya-roditel.ru | 8-800-2000-122 |
Singapore | Samaritans of Singapore | www.sos.org | 1-767 |
South Africa | South African Depression and Anxiety Group | www.sadag.org | 0800 567 567 |
South Korea | 중앙자살예방센터[Korea Suicide Prevention Center] | www.spckorea.or | 1393 |
Spain | Teléfono de la Esperanza | www.telefonodelaesperanza.org | 717 003 717 |
Sri Lanka |
சிசிசி லைன் 1333 [CCCline1333] |
1333 |
Switzerland | Die Dargebotene Hand | www.143.ch | 143 |
Taiwan | 国际生命线台湾总会 [International Lifeline Taiwan Association] | www.life1995.org | 1995 |
Thailand | 1323 ปรึกษาปัญหาสุขภาพจิต | www.facebook.com/helpline1323 | 1323 |
Ukraine | Lifeline Ukraine | lifelineukraine.com | 7333 |
United Kingdom | Samaritans | www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help | 116 123 |
United States | 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline | 988lifeline.org | 988 |
Vietnam | Ngày mai | duongdaynongngaymai.vn/ | 963061414 |
Research on connecting
When you’re in crisis, research suggests that it may be helpful to reach out to others. When you connect with others, it can help you feel supported and give you a sense of belonging.
Pre-written texts
Search results include messages written by the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP). You can use these messages to start a conversation with someone you trust.
You’re not alone
If you don’t have someone you feel like you can contact about your mental health, that doesn’t mean you’re alone. Remember that counselors are available 24/7 at the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.