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Configure the issue detail view

You can customize the issue view to show more fields, hide fields, and rearrange the field layout.

To configure the layout of the issue view—which fields appear and the order they appear in—open an issue and choose Configure at the bottom-right. To find out more about configuring the issue layout, check out Configure field layout in the issue view.

Before you begin

To configure the board and any of its settings, you must be either:

  • project administrator for the location of the board

  • board administrator for the board itself

See Permissions overview for more information.

You can configure the fields to be displayed in the issue detail view on the board configuration screen. The values of some fields are also editable in the issue detail view.


Editable values




  • Always displayed and values are always editable

  • Can't be deleted from the default layout configuration of the issue detail view


  • Displayed for configured issue types, e.g. stories

  • Display determined by how estimates are configured for the board (currently Scrum boards only)






  • Always displayed

  • Editable values only if the project has at least one component


  • Always displayed

  • Editable values only if the instance has at least one label

Affected versions

  • Always displayed

  • Editable values only if the project has at least one version

Fix versions

Epic link

  • This field is used to add an issue to an epic.

  • Company-managed project issues can only be added to company-managed project epics, and team-managed project issues can only be added to team-managed projects epics.





Date created


Date updated


Issue links

Displayed only if the issue has at least one link


  • Can be hidden, depending on the field configuration being used

  • Can't be deleted from the default layout configuration of the issue detail view







Some fields may be hidden, depending on the field configuration scheme used for the project's issue types.

Adding, removing, or moving a field

  1. Click the Jira icon > Projects > then select the relevant project.

  2. Choose Settings > Screens

  3. Click the > to expand the relevant screen scheme

  4. Select the View issue screen

  5. Add or remove the desired fields

The scrum issue type screen scheme, highlighting the expand and collapse function and edit link.
  1. Expand and collapse the screen scheme

  2. The link to edit the View issue screen

Your fields will then appear in the issue detail view. Note that fields will only appear on an issue if they have been associated with the relevant issue type, and are not hidden.

Need help? If you can't find the answer you need in our documentation, we have other resources available to help you. See Getting help.


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