holy shit guys I got my account back! I thought it was gone forever and just accepted it, how’s everyone doing?

it’s my birthday, so here’s the yearly reminder that I’m an adult, so that any followers who are minors can make the informed decision on whether or not they’d prefer to keep following, have a nice day!

happy valentine’s day, I hope you all get the chance to cherish someone dear to you today!

hi, this is my yearly reminder that I’m an adult, so if you don’t want to follow me, that’s fine. I’m turning 22 today, if that makes a difference. I hope you guys had a happy halloween!

just sat up in bed realizing that I was in a life-altering car crash at age 19– the same age as 2D during the D-Day crash. they also happened a month apart (calendar-wise), and D-Day happened the year I was born. huh

I just realized….. I’m stuck out in the middle of nowhere with the man who brought me here (coincidentally nicknamed mudz), and can’t leave (at least not without him). I’ve also run out of all my meds. this is…. weirdly similar to the plot of plastic beach, right?

I seriously had a prophetic dream a few weeks ago with 2D wearing roller skates, and he was actually dressed like in the video! :O

sorry my posting has been slow and probably will be for the next few days; I’m at the end of finals, and also have to pack up and move out of my dorm and my boyfriend’s apartment by wednesday :/ so everything’s just really busy right now!

Anonymous; "Eating salty crackers can ease off nausea, and sometimes a cold cloth on your forehead!! Good luck friend ❤️"

oh, I haven’t heard the washcloth one before (or salty crackers in particular– people have just said crackers in the past)! thanks, I’ll try that next time!

Anonymous; "Psst to remember my morning pills I set an alarm on my phone! Those pills are so important! "

thanks for the tip! it’s usually kind of a conscious decision, though. I know that sounds really weird, but I just have a sort of love-hate relationship with the stimulant pill, because it makes me get nauseous easily, so sometimes I don’t want to take it for fear of barfing in public (way tmi, sorry). but I do know they’re important, though, you’re right, I probably should set an alarm so I have no excuses. thanks again for the idea, I’ll keep it in mind :>