• hey, u see that comment section? can u do me a favor and post tips for animating, i am a new animator. thx 🙂

    • You do the thing, eventually you’ll have the thing and it’ll look really great.

      Hope that helped. 😊

      2024-03-25 19:37:22 UTC 12
    • Okay.

      Look into a youtuber called Mr. Onyx

      His tutorials are short (4-8 mins) and god DAMN did they help me improve alot

      Look into the process of easing. Heres a reference

      If you want smooth anims, do “ease both”

      Baaically, stickfigures have to be like humans. Humans dont move like robots. No, they start slow and build up their speed in a matter of time depending on the weight of their actions. Thats easing for you.

      Now, this is the advice that tends to annoy most new animators.

      Move every single limb in EVERY single frame.

      Having certain limbs be frozen while focusing on only a couple is a big no-no.

      Take a look at this snippet of a fight i made

      If you put it in slow motion, you notice how every limb gets moved per frame? Even if its a slight movement, its gonna make your anims realistic.

      This all might feel overwhelming but dw, im putting 2 years of advice into one comment. You have plenty of time to do all this.

      On YT, search up “Alan Becker’s 12 principles of animation”

      Dont watch this all in one go if you dont feel like it.

      Dont get used to the “Add tweened frames” button. Its horrible and it makes your anims look like shit.

      Dont rush to get good. Yeah, that sounds like im contradicting everything I just said but hear me out.

      The better you get at animating, the more work you have to put into it. And once you notice improvement, youll begin changing your standards. So you cant go back to your old animating skills because that’ll dismotivate you. So you have to take your time and get used to putting more skill into your anims and get used to your new standards. When you feel like you’ve completely mastered your skill, start improving some more. This will take time, of course.

      Don’t be hyped to animate something. Like a fight scene that you just choreographed, youll probably be pretty hyped to see the end result so you’ll most likely end up rushing which will give you a bad or poorly animated end result, which will dismotivate you.

      That’s all the tips I got for now. Tag me with @revenantanims if you got more questions. Feel free to ask away! 👍

      2024-03-25 19:48:19 UTC 8
      • Replying to: RevenantOkay. Look into a youtuber called Mr. Onyx His tutorials a

        me readin g this and ive gotten used to using add tweened frames:

        2024-03-25 19:52:29 UTC 6
        • Replying to: SillyWizardme readin g this and ive gotten used to using add tweened fr

          lmao that Add Tweened Frames button is so addicting

          2024-03-25 19:55:47 UTC 6
          • Replying to: Revenantlmao that Add Tweened Frames button is so addicting

            its so much easier but i know that i need to animate by hand to make things better

            2024-03-25 19:59:13 UTC 5
            • Replying to: SillyWizardits so much easier but i know that i need to animate by hand

              it makes a big difference though

              even if its a slight and small movement, animating by hand is gonna make it feel more human

              you could also just double frame or triple frame to make movements feel slow lol

              the method i use for double framings a bit modified. basically, add two frames, but in the second frame of the double frame, ill move maybe just a couple of limbs to be angled more towards the next ACTUAL frames position.

              hard to explain lmao

              2024-03-25 20:02:42 UTC 5
              • Replying to: Revenantit makes a big difference though even if its a slight and s

                i cant do on 2s… ive tried doing that but its always so abrupt when it changes from 2s to 1s lol

                2024-03-25 20:04:14 UTC 4
            • Replying to: SillyWizardits so much easier but i know that i need to animate by hand

              Use it sometimes but don’t rely on it, you can also use it but tweak it afterwards

              2024-03-26 02:48:18 UTC 3
    • One main thing beginner animators don’t do is practice, and usually their excuse is “I’m lazy 💀” exactly why you suck at animating no offense, if you’re not going to put the effort into improving, why bother asking for help?

      Excuse this random rant i had above it has nothing to do with you, I am 99% sure,
      Anyways Tweening Helps Smoothen Animations, Making them look smooth. Non-tween are more choppier but doesnt have any problem with Effects or Turning the figure around like Tween does.

      Do Not Use Tween Feature allows you to skip a frame, this is great for using possible impact effects or using it as a firing gun recoil effect, that is if you use tween.

      There’s a Feature called “Add Between Frames” This makes your life easier, if two frames are way too fast together and you’re too lazy to fix it, using this feature and inputting it between the frames adds in another frame that is automatically posed for you, that is if you are using Tween.

      Trust the Intermediate Animator that has given you these tips, I dont know if what i said actually are true, but take the chance ☺️

      2024-03-25 19:53:00 UTC 5
      • Replying to: StickHelmetOne main thing beginner animators don't do is practice, and

        one man says dont use add tweened frames, one man does

        the duality of animator

        2024-03-25 19:58:51 UTC 6
        • Replying to: SillyWizardone man says dont use add tweened frames, one man does the

          Getting smooth anim without tween is a goated skill to have, but tweened frame is convenient for those who want a shortcut.

          Kinda like having the ability to draw a perfect circle/straightline, or just use a stencil/ruler

          Also pro team non-tween 🗣️💯💯

          2024-03-25 20:01:32 UTC 4
          • Replying to: DownwardghostlyGetting smooth anim without tween is a goated skill to have,

            pro team non tween because i wanna learn how to do that

            2024-03-25 20:02:23 UTC 3
          • Replying to: DownwardghostlyGetting smooth anim without tween is a goated skill to have,

            pro-team non-tween ftw!!!!

            2024-03-25 20:03:52 UTC 4
        • Replying to: SillyWizardone man says dont use add tweened frames, one man does the

          Honestly i would say, Tween frames and Non-Tweened frames are just ‘Styles’ a preference for anyone who wants a more smoother animation or a choppier animation, Both are great in many ways, but it entirely depends on the user and how they want the animation to be like.

          2024-03-25 20:09:46 UTC 4
      • Replying to: StickHelmetOne main thing beginner animators don't do is practice, and

        tbh, i think that

        tweening is for ppl that make tactical gun anims. like explosive bullet or smth. tweening was MADE for them

        non-tween is moreover for ppl that like to animate every single frame and have more control over the end result 👍

        2024-03-25 20:08:47 UTC 5
  • Replying to comment by: MannyAnimsWanted to include every remake I’ve had for the funni but tw

    hol up tell me the description of it and ill tell u if i made it and try to find it

  • is it bad that i use sticknodes for graphic design and not animating lol

  • Replying to comment by: Certified Water DrinkerSorry pal, gave up, lol. But I do have something else in the

    hah, alr

  • Replying to comment by: Certified Water Drinkerok, so the files got corrupted, lol. things are bound to fai

    in the game will u be able to upload ur own oc?

  • Replying to comment by: Tastylemon16So it begins..

    what begins?

  • Replying to comment by: Rocketninja5983•(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)And have no father figure

    and are ugly irl

  • Replying to comment by: MannyAnimsQuest 2 cameras are limited to black and white, only the que

    alr, thx

  • Replying to comment by: Rocketninja5983•(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)Slenders suck, thinking they’re all edgy and stuff, but in r

    they usually also weigh 1 unoctogintillion pounds

  • Replying to comment by: GHX$T<3Unfortunately I think your not able to

    oh ok, thx though

  • Replying to comment by: GHX$T<3How to turn off pass through or make the colors non black an

    how to make colors non black and white

  • (Oculus Quest 2) I’ve played vr games that use pass through mode, and most of the time I use pass through when I’m not playing a game. Even though I like using it, it kinda bothers me that all I see is black, grey, and white when in passthrough. Do any of y’all know how to fix this?

    • How to turn off pass through or make the colors non black and white?

      2023-11-21 18:13:01 UTC 3
      • Replying to: GHX$T<3How to turn off pass through or make the colors non black an

        how to make colors non black and white

        2023-11-21 18:15:36 UTC 3
        • Replying to: TMAniacshow to make colors non black and white

          Unfortunately I think your not able to

          2023-11-21 18:17:21 UTC 3
        • Replying to: TMAniacshow to make colors non black and white

          Quest 2 cameras are limited to black and white, only the quest 3 (and the quest pro ig but that has worse passthrough, is discontinued, and cost $999 I think) has color passthrough in the quest line. Which is unfortunate but fair, since they had to cut corners for the headset to be $299.

          2023-11-21 19:12:18 UTC 2
          • Replying to: MannyAnimsQuest 2 cameras are limited to black and white, only the que

            alr, thx

            2023-11-23 01:13:54 UTC 0
  • sup, im making a new oc for myself. what should i change/fix about it?

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