• Profile picture of MannyAnims

    MannyAnimssubscriberuc-winner-lvl1occifermega-noder 2023-10-01 23:43:38 UTC

    𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬?
    Hello everyone. If the name of this group wasn’t obvious enough, I plan on creating an RPG taking place in the vast universe that is Sticknodes! (Not SNU please don’t kill me Lemon). To put it simply, I plan on creating a diverse, somewhat vast open world in its own original map containing OCs as the people who populate it, and unique relating and belonging to the OCs as the buildings. Like the OCs houses and any other locations relating to them. Like my OC Manny had a shop, for example. So he would have a shop somewhere in the open world. Obviously I know every OC that chooses to be in the game wouldn’t have a special location like that, so I would also be adding unique locations for your OC for you if needed, like your house for example. It’s hard to explain, but please bare me with me. I’ll elaborate on that further as I get more of a solid understanding on what I want this game to be, it is in its very early planning stages.

    Now, I did mention that Sticknodian OCs will be in this game. I plan on allowing you guys to apply for a spot in the game (and almost all will be accepted). I’m not going to let you guys apply just yet, but you are welcome to say if you are interested in being in the game in the comments if you’d like. With a spot in the game, that means your oc will be one of the many people populating the Sticknodian Open World, and some will take a place in the story in some way. Each OC will have a house, and maybe another specialized location (like my oc manny had a shop, for example, like I said before), some of which might be explorable. Your house might be located in different areas of the open world depending on the theme of your oc. If your oc is space themed, they might be located in space and might have a house there. That’s just an example, though.

    I do plan on giving it a story, probably a simple but silly and light hearted and one. I do not have a plan for the story yet as I have no idea who here is going to be in the game and therefore won’t make the story yet as I want you guys to have a major role in it, but I’m open for ideas still. I do have some ideas, though. Like one story revolving around IG’s brother’s (the boot) disappearance, but I don’t know if he’ll apply, so I’m gonna wait to make the story and instead wait to see who is going to apply. Again, sorry if this is confusing, bare with me people.

    This game is also going to have original characters of my own, to help populate the open world even further. Also, remember, you can apply for more than one OC to be in the game. I don’t care the number, just know that while most will be accepted, not all might be. But don’t worry about applying too many OCs, apply away. (Yes I know I’m using the word apply wrong in some of these sentences, you get what I mean though).

    I am open for suggestions to locations for the open world, whether that be an OC specialized place or just a general area. I’m open to any suggestions regarding this game, any. For suggestions, either make a post here, comment under this post, or DM me on Discord (@mannyanims) is my handle.

    Some of you may be wondering what engine this game is going to be made in. It is going to be made in “RPG in a Box” (https://store.steampowered.com/app/498310/RPG_in_a_Box/). This game is going to be made of voxels, everything from the characters and the map. I chose this engine because not only is it extremely simple with no previous coding knowledge involved, but it has a built in, easy to use, voxel editor that allows me to create everything I need. And because it’s voxels it means everything is going to remain relatively simple in design, making designing characters relatively quick but the editor is robust enough for the characters to still look good and charming in design.

    Overall, I’m hoping this game is an open world Sticknodian RPG containing your OCs, with references to occurrences on this site and Sticknodes discord servers, and an open world map with locations specialized to the oc’s populating it, with a simple but fun story to top it all off. It’s ambitious, but this engine is simple enough that I think I can get it done. Remember to give me any suggestions you may have via discord, comments, or posts here, and state if you’re interested if you would like under the comments here, and soon enough I’ll let you guys apply. Thank you everyone, hope this project turns out well.

    (Also @cheesebiscuit and @tastylemon16, I do still plan in 3d printing you guys, have been learning blender on and off in my free time so I could eventually do it.)

    • Real TL;DR is you’re making a Stick Nodes themed RPG where users can create, locations and more based around their own designs relating to their OCs etc.

      Sounds great, I have no issue with you doing this in regards to the SNU, while the SNU is planned to be big and really accomplish something it isn’t the constant for SN people living together in a fictional world. More of this kind of thing is good for the SNU anyway.

      I look forward to seeing where you’ll take this.

      2023-10-01 23:56:28 UTC 9
      • Replying to: Tastylemon16Real TL;DR is you’re making a Stick Nodes themed RPG where u

        Thanks for making a real TLDR, deleted the joke one. And thanks for the kind words and not having an issue with it being sorta similar to the SNU. Not intended and this is going to be as original as possible in terms of its world.

        I’m also looking forward to making this, gonna be fun ironing out the details and designing the OCs and map.

        2023-10-02 00:01:08 UTC 7
    • Oh yeah and I forgot, uploading this to gamejolt when I’m done for anyone to download and play!

      2023-10-02 00:01:28 UTC 7
    • This seems quite interesting, I look forward to seeing how this develops. I think I’m pretty interested in applying whenever we’re allowed to.

      2023-10-02 00:01:38 UTC 6
      • Replying to: Dodo LordThis seems quite interesting, I look forward to seeing how t

        Thanks! Glad to hear you’re interested in applying

        2023-10-02 00:06:36 UTC 5
    • I am interested

      2023-10-02 00:03:37 UTC 6
      • Replying to: WarlockI am interested

        Nice, gonna keep you guys updated. I’ll tell you on discord when the next update is out

        2023-10-02 00:10:04 UTC 5
    • This might have either one main story, one main story with side quests or even just consist of tons of mini quests with no one main story

      2023-10-02 00:05:26 UTC 5
    • I’m also interested

      2023-10-02 00:12:52 UTC 3
      • Replying to: 𓂀 Jet 'Mikey" Spookus ‽ 𓂀 (ʝ𐒄Ⳝ)I'm also interested

        Applications are up now, so you could apply if you want

        2023-10-02 04:56:59 UTC 1
    • i will also

      2023-10-02 00:41:27 UTC 2
    • I’m interested too.

      Sounds like an awesome idea to me, so i’d like to try applying aswell.

      2023-10-02 02:05:37 UTC 3