• Replying to comment by: godzillamaster1Carniphage Carniphage are like halo flood infection creatur

    Dude, I still can’t unsee how you place both my Pouches and Shoulder Mounted Radio.

  • Guess I’ll AT Gun.

  • Replying to comment by: godzillamaster1Where should I put this in the description? In the Pha.co s

    Metal Pipe

    Where else would this belong, also, it\’s been like 8 Days since I\’ve Posted this.

  • Oh boy, I sure want to beat someone from a Game that was inspired from another Game involving uh, Cats that Fight each other.

    Titan Battler is only at Level 9, as of now for me, just gotta Bully a Man that is a Retired Pilot within the Military that has acquired both a Jetpack and a Big ass Rocket Launcher that may or may not Murder my Titan Battler.

    [ Mlub. ]

  • Profile picture of Vint.

    Vint. changed their profile picture 2 days, 23 hours ago

  • [ Reminder ]:
    – –
    “ There will always be a Day where the Flesh’s Heart comes to an End, the Endless Horrors for those that had seen their Loved Ones died.

    I standby, with the People, of this County, I standby, for the World of this Forsaken Heart Core. ”
    – County Mayor’s Words of Recording

    [ Mlub. ]

  • Wonder how this’ll turn out.

    [ Time to get Nusia Militarized. ]

  • Do you notice a Difference in Text?

  • [ Pha.co Email ]:
    – –
    “ It seems as tho, the Sanctuary Definition Force had lend us some of their.. Tier 1s and 2s Vest, for our Usage of course..

    We’ve only provided to those that happened to have some, LMG Experience and were issued out the Following list..

    – M240L
    – M240B
    – M249 SAW
    – MG3

    We’ve promptly and shortly, getting some More of the S.D.F’s, Vests..

    Let’s see how this will, turn out..
    For us. ”

    Don’t ask why there’s some Writings and my User at the Bottom Left.

    • Where should I put this in the description?

      In the Pha.co section?

      2024-07-02 15:08:01 UTC 1
      • Replying to: godzillamaster1Where should I put this in the description? In the Pha.co s

        Metal Pipe

        Where else would this belong, also, it’s been like 8 Days since I’ve Posted this.

        2024-07-02 15:11:15 UTC 1
  • Replying to comment by: godzillamaster1Do you know what time it is??? Time to Lore!!!!! Anyway here

    I would put some Powder through that Skull of theirs, and yes.

    There are Battle Hardened Units within the County, though I wouldn\’t say for sure.

    Ending their Suffer like the Headcrab Zombies, would very much put them in a Pure of Bliss after Death.

  • I must say, I haven’t quite posted in this Group for quite a While!

    Anyway, here’s some Image you’ve probably seen over to another Group I’m in.

  • Replying to comment by: godzillamaster1where would i put this in the description of the group

    Make it it\’s own Category, because this is a Force that origins from the County itself.

    So, why not that?

  • [ Document File 002 ]:

    Phantoms, that’s right.
    There exists a Company, a Mercenary type actually.

    Phantom Company

    For all we know, is that they’re much consists of Regular Civilians ( Female Included ), Veterans of Past Hellhole stuff that had happened.

    Much of now, make use of this Information.

  • Replying to comment by: Vint.

    I\’m back, anyway time to Lore!

  • Profile picture of Vint.

    Vint. changed their profile picture 1 week, 6 days ago

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