• Valkorian Infantry Vest Prototype.
    Might make a flak jacket because I love those Suggestions appreciated.

  • Is there a way to yet some of these figures I see here and not on the site?

  • The note: “Anyone who finds this, know that I, Rob Fillison, is dead, I am writing atop a dead infected.
    I am afraid I have been infected, my vision is already getting blurry and I thi|n•k
    I am coughing very violently but make sure this note reaches my family
    To my wife, I-_” The rest is just scribbles, and now Rob is confirmed dead judging by the bullet hole in his head.

    • Here’s a tip, make your animations slower

      2024-06-07 18:26:57 UTC 8
      • Replying to: Firedragon165Here’s a tip, make your animations slower

        I know, I look at it like it’s too fast and try to make it slower but then it feels too slow, any other tips?

        2024-06-07 18:36:42 UTC 3
        • Replying to: BlueJuiceI know, I look at it like it's too fast and try to make it

          Add more frames, if you feel like it’s too slow, make the frame rate higher

          2024-06-07 18:37:43 UTC 4
          • Replying to: Firedragon165Add more frames, if you feel like it’s too slow, make the fr


            2024-06-07 18:50:12 UTC 3
            • Replying to: BlueJuiceThx

              just lower the framerate by like 3-4 frames

              2024-06-07 22:48:17 UTC 1
              • Replying to: Revenantjust lower the framerate by like 3-4 frames

                I will keep that in mind

                2024-06-08 01:28:06 UTC 0
    • first rob now that random dude

      2024-06-08 01:04:03 UTC 1
      • Replying to: insane man (William Happel)first rob now that random dude

        Mhm, I’m thinking he’s gonna end up surviving that attack and he’s just gonna struggle to make it back to base.

        Should I do it, what do you think?

        2024-06-08 01:29:28 UTC 0
        • Replying to: BlueJuiceMhm, I'm thinking he's gonna end up surviving that attack

          make an animation of his organs running out of his body as his blood comes out…

          2024-06-08 11:05:14 UTC 0
          • Replying to: insane man (William Happel)make an animation of his organs running out of his body as h


            2024-06-08 13:15:11 UTC 0
    • Nice

      2024-06-09 18:43:32 UTC 0
      • Replying to: ChipsNice

        For the note though, trying adding more depth.

        2024-06-09 18:46:39 UTC 0
        • Replying to: ChipsFor the note though, trying adding more depth.

          Alr I’ll keep it in mind

          2024-06-17 22:38:08 UTC 0
  • More progress. Feedback and critiques are appreciated!

  • My beautiful new fascist country, Valkoria.

    A country far north of the entire continent, Valkoria is a militaristic-imperialist-fascist regime led by a military-dictated government, with Boris Valkorine as it’s General/Leader. The country is ruled by fear; any criticism on the government can lead to death or torture. The military being the most funded industry, it is notorious for it’s brutality and it’s hardened, ruthless soldiers.
    Many of the Valkorians are poor, and their only choice of any money is to serve in the military. 1 out of every 2 Valkorian men serve under the armed forces of Valkoria.
    They are not very fond of both Rasonia and Menlo; having fought two wars with Rasonia and Menlo, they have earned a negative reputation…. on the propaganda posters of both opposing countries.

    (Made entirely in StickNodes. And because I am nerd, I would like to point out that the symbol is a fasces (axe tied to a bundle of wood) and is a actual fascist symbol associated with Fascist Italy. I might change it, but I would like you all to have a say.)

    Should I change the symbol?

    • 90%
    • 10%
    10 votes
    Log in to vote!
  • Feedbacks and critiques are appreciated
    15 FPS, no tween.

    • stop being so good animating, you’re making me feel bad.

      2024-06-04 01:01:32 UTC 6
      • Replying to: Wannabe Outlawstop being so good animating, you're making me feel bad.

        Hey, anybody can get better with enough practice and patience. Do not be hard on yourself, your just as good as a animator as anybody else.

        2024-06-04 01:03:28 UTC 9
    • I just love it when Helmet’s country combats mine.

      2024-06-04 01:48:10 UTC 2
  • Gun testing with my OC.
    Very short because I am the lazy

    • i like it, looks great

      i might recommend animating at higher fps. possibly 20 fps no double framing

      heres an example

      with 20 fps you can do impactful recoil, its a 2 frame method, where i make the gun go unrealistically backwards for a frame and then slightly upwards on the next

      keep doing what you do tho, you got lots of potential 👍

      2024-06-04 00:40:02 UTC 3
      • Replying to: Revenanti like it, looks great i might recommend animating at highe

        counterargument – 22fps is peak

        2024-06-04 00:45:48 UTC 2
        • Replying to: SillyWizardcounterargument - 22fps is peak

          countercounterargument –

          too fast, only would look good on double framing, needs too much work, 20 fps is peak

          2024-06-04 01:22:44 UTC 3
          • Replying to: Revenantcountercounterargument - too fast, only would look good on

            it is literally two extra frames a second

            2024-06-04 01:24:54 UTC 2
      • Replying to: Revenanti like it, looks great i might recommend animating at highe

        I actually tried to apply your 2-frame method into this, but I’m not sure I fully understood it.

        I made the gun go unrealistically backwards for a frame, but I then positioned the gun slightly downwards for the next frame, with the slide halfway reverted to it’s original position.

        2024-06-04 01:50:01 UTC 1
        • Replying to: ChipsI actually tried to apply your 2-frame method into this, but

          heres a slowmotion version 👍

          2024-06-04 02:06:19 UTC 3
      • Replying to: Revenanti like it, looks great i might recommend animating at highe

        20 fps is indeed peak

        2024-06-04 01:51:35 UTC 2
  • What do yall fellers think about adding a little… fascism, through a new country based off either one of the main three Axis powers (N### Germany, Fascist Italy, Imperial Japan)?

    • Hmmm I say yes, it could add a lot more stuff and really just be fun to add in general, I may be new here but yeah, I think yes

      2024-06-03 03:23:30 UTC 1
  • Could I make my own military for this group?

    • Unless it isn’t overarching, overpowered, unrealistic, made with no political and governmental knowledge in mind, and just plain SHIT, it’s fine.

      2024-06-02 19:23:07 UTC 2
  • Cuscorian Mechanized Infantry in combat against the virus

  • JULY 8TH
    Probably thinking I died at the hands of those sick people, hm? Well, no. I did their job for them.
    I mean, what’s the point of living in a world you know is bound for hell? And thinking of every single man who’s soul was damned to contribute to the fall of his own world. And his wife. And his kids.
    Come to think of it, it breaks a man who watches everything and everyone he loves running in fear. Dying. And getting back up again as a demon. And he thinks to himself that the last moment he had with them he took for granted.
    I watched it all burn. I watched so many people die and I wonder if they deserved it. At the time, I didn’t know what the fuck was going on.
    I miss every second in which I bore a family that I didn’t deserve. That I didn’t want to be in. I deserved to die, not them.
    And I can’t live like this. Not anymore.

    …if there was a God, where is he now?

    (A note I found beside a dead guy. Sounds like his suicide note.)

  • Some attack animation

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