Pinned by Boom melon on 2024-04-27 06:48:55 UTC

  • @az09-323466653889
    Seriously, what on Earth possessed you to hand Fedora the group admin role instead of me? I mean, it’s mind-boggling! Was it some sort of twisted joke, a blatant disregard for all my hard work, or a complete lapse in judgment? I’ve poured my heart and soul into this group, and then you go and make this unfathomable decision. I’ve been here from day one, putting in endless hours, countless ideas, and unwavering dedication. I’ve watched this group grow, and now, you’ve slapped me in the face with this absurdity.

    Is it incompetence, favoritism, or just plain ignorance that led you to this bewildering choice? I can’t help but seethe with anger at the sheer injustice of it all. I’ve proven my commitment time and time again, and yet, you’ve chosen to overlook it. My passion for this group runs deep, and to see someone else handed the reins, especially someone who hasn’t shown a fraction of the devotion I have, is nothing short of infuriating.

    I’ve fought battles, resolved conflicts, and tirelessly supported this community. And now, this snub feels like a betrayal. It’s as though my efforts have been tossed aside like yesterday’s garbage. So tell me, in the name of all that’s rational, why did you bestow the group admin title on Fedore instead of me? Your decision has left me seething with frustration and resentment. I deserve answers, and I won’t rest until I get them.
