Turn an email subscription into a Mastodon bot

Twitter’s continued downward spiral claims yet another victim as MTA announced it will no longer provide real time updates on Twitter, which would cost it tens of thousands of dollars per month.


But hey, there are still ways to stay informed about the public transit here in New York, including subscribing via email.

Hm. Say, wouldn’t be great if you could turn these email notifications into a bot that you and your friends could follow anywhere in the fediverse?

Well, I have some good news for you, my friend. You can do just that with Pipedream. Let me show you how.

You may wait longer for a northbound N train after we removed a train with a mechanical problem from service earlier in Brooklyn.

For latest updates, visit mta.info.

— MTA Subway Alerts (Unofficial) (@[email protected]) 2023-04-29T16:04:23.160Z

1 2 3 trains are delayed in both directions while we address a loss of power between 96 St and 125 St.

For latest updates, visit mta.info.

— MTA Subway Alerts (Unofficial) (@[email protected]) 2023-04-29T01:53:10.992Z

And before I begin, let me add that you could make a this bot using MTA’s own API (thanks to sashk for pointing this out), but for the purpose of this tutorial I will use email alerts, so that you can follow along and learn how to implement this for a service that may only have email alerts and no other alternative.

First, we will need to sign up for a Mastodon account and set up a Mastodon app that will control our bot.

Note that you can sign up on any of Mastodon’s servers, but if you do choose botsin.space, be prepared for some wait time while your account is manually reviewed and approved.

Next, create a Pipedream account, if you don’t have one yet. (Their free tier will give us plenty of tools and resources to put this project together.)

Once inside Pipedream, let’s create a new workflow.

Creating a new workflow in Pipedream.com.

We’ll start with a an email trigger.

Screenshot of  a new workflow email trigger being added in Pipedream.

Pipedream will give you a unique email address.

Screenshot of  a new email trigger showing a unique email address.

We can use this email to sign up for MTA’s email alerts. Once you do, you will see a new event in your email trigger step.

Now this part is a little bit tricky. First, select the confirmation email event.

Screenshot of a new email trigger event.

Expand the data from the email and copy the value of the html object.

Save the HTML code in a file called email.html and open it in your browser.

A screenshot of the Windows Notepad program with HTML code in it.

Follow the steps to confirm your Pipedream email address and create an alert with services you want to monitor. In my case, I selected all subway lines.

A list of subway lines to choose from to set up an alert.

Great. Now give it a few minutes until you receive your first alert.

A list of alerts sent by MTA.

Add a new Python workflow step using the big + button below your email trigger.

Adding a new step in Pipedream, looking for the Python step.

Select the “Pass data between steps” Python template.

A list of options when adding a new Python workflow step, including

Update the example code to look like this:

def handler(pd: "pipedream"):
    # Reference data from previous steps
    # Return data for use in future steps
    return {"foo": {"test": True}}

This will print the HTML code from the email.

A log showing the result of our script, HTML of the email alert shown as the output.

And here comes the harder, and a more creative part of our tutorial. In essence, we have to take the HTML from the email and extract the data we want to post.

One thing that will help is repeating a previous step where you copy the HTML, save it in an email.html file, and open it in your browser.

There’s a popular Python library called Beautiful Soup that we can use to help us deal with the HTML.

I am going to jump ahead here and share the full code and walk you through it.

import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

def handler(pd: "pipedream"):
    html = pd.steps["trigger"]["event"]["body"]["html"] 
    email_html = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
    content = email_html.find_all("td", class_="camarker-inner")[1].find_all("p")
    status_html = str(content[0])

    link = email_html.find_all("a", class_="mobfont", href=True)[0]["href"]

    regex = re.compile(r"<sub>[\r\n]*<img alt=\"([a-zA-Z0-9]) Train.*?</sub>")
    status = regex.sub("\\1 ", status_html.replace("<br/>", "\n"))

    alert_html = BeautifulSoup(status, "html.parser")
    status_text = alert_html.get_text()

    status_text = f"{status_text}\n\nFull message: {link}\n\nFor latest updates, visit https://mta.info. #nyc #mta #subway"


    return {"status": status_text}

First, we’ll need to import the libraries we will be using. re for working with regular expressions, and the aforementioned Beautiful Soup.

import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

Next, we have our handler function. In it, we’re getting the HTML of the automatic email alert. If you saved it as a file, you will see we need to access the P tags inside the camarker-inner table cell.

    html = pd.steps["trigger"]["event"]["body"]["html"] 
    email_html = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
    content = email_html.find_all("td", class_="camarker-inner")[1].find_all("p")
    status_html = str(content[0])

We can also retrieve the link to the full email.

    link = email_html.find_all("a", class_="mobfont", href=True)[0]["href"]

Now the tricky part here is that the email alert uses images for train names. We have to apply some regex magic to turn them back into numbers and letters.

    regex = re.compile(r"<sub>[\r\n]*<img alt=\"([a-zA-Z0-9]) Train.*?\n?</sub>")
    status = regex.sub("\\1 ", status_html.replace("<br/>", "\n"))

    alert_html = BeautifulSoup(status, "html.parser")
    status_text = alert_html.get_text()

This part will be different if you want to work with another email subscription in the future. I recommend brushing up on your regular expressions and using a site like regexpal.com for testing.

And lastly, we need to return some data from the handler function for the next step.

    return {"status": status_text}

If we run our workflow now, we should see the status. And our print statements will show up in the Logs tab, this will be useful for debugging any errors.

Output of our Python script, text extracted from the email alert.

Next, let’s add a Mastodon step.

Adding a new

Look for “post status”.

Adding a new

You will be prompted to connect your account using the information from your Mastodon app.

A prompt to connect a Mastodon account, with a form asking for site domain, and access token.

As a value, use {{steps.python.$return_value.status}}.

Viewing data available to post for our bot.

Make sure to enable the option to split long messages into a thread.

A screenshot of the Mastodon

Now let’s test our workflow.


Looking good!

Output of our Python script, showing the data of the message posted by our bot.

And here’s our first post. Beautiful.

An example bot output.

Now you can click the Deploy button in your workflow to publish it. And there you have it, you just turned an email subscription into a bot.

Here’s a quick tip before we part ways. Every bot on Mastodon comes with a free RSS feed. So, for my bot @mtaupdates you can just add .rss at the end of its URL, like this:



I hope you enjoyed the tutorial, and until next time!

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