Thinking about Commander Fox 25/7

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

I’m getting fed up with this whole “feminism as an identity” thing. Time for “feminism as an action.”

So instead of asking “can a feminist do x?” ask “is doing x a feminist action!”

Can a feminist take her husband’s last name? Mu. Null. Question un-valid, please un-ask question.

Is taking your husband’s last name a feminist action? No it isn’t. It doesn’t challenge the patriarchy in anyway, it is the status quo thing to do, it is what is expected of women, and it carries a lot of historical baggage about ownership and shit like that.

But that’s okay, your life choices don’t have to be 100% dictated by your politics unless you want them to. And it’s okay to really want to take his name while recognizing that you also want to do the feminist thing and keep your own, and it’s okay to feel conflicted and have a hard time making the choice. But no more of this enabling “as long as I made the choice myself it is a feminist choice” -bullshit. Own your choices, even the ones that aren’t informed by your feminist politics. You are still a human being and people do shit that contradicts their politics and even interests all the time. Just stop pretending that everything you do is feminist because you are a feminist, that’s not how it works.


^^this is why bell hooks challenges us to say “i support feminist movement” or “i support feminist action” rather than “i am a feminist.” she says that once we say “i am a feminist” and make “feminist” an identity rather than a political movement or a set of beliefs and the actions resulting from those beliefs, we can become complacent and think the battle is over. 

go out to dinner fox needs food

The Battle of the five Armies countdown - day 21 of 30



This thing from 2014 is my legacy. It’s got an insane number of notes and it still gets reblogs and likes everyday. I see people tagging it as #aclassic and I’ve met people in real life showing it to me not knowing I did it.

I was looking at it and realised that today, after 10 years I’d have done it the other way round.

I haven’t been in the Tolkien fandom for literally all of these 10 years so I don’t know if it’s been done already but here’s my updated version.

It’s…much funnier to me now lmao



BEHIND THE SCENES: Alternative ending for Maarva's speech
-> Andor: The Complete First Season (SteelBook)


So I'm maybe going to have the hot take that I'm glad they didn't go with this? "Fuck the Empire" is an expression of rage - "fight the Empire" is a call to action. One of these upsets authoritarian regimes much more than the other.


That post I made over new years had people at my THROAT for saying I only buy real leather. Sorry I really do think that wearing textured plastic that will fall apart in under 5 years and go on to irreparably poison the environment is the worse option here.


if you look into the mushroom leather or apple leather or cactus leather or any other plant-based alternatives, they're all still about 50-75% polyurethane. They'll still fall apart fast and then they wont decompose except into microplastics. They're just not sustainable. I thrift pretty much all my leather garments and some of them are 30 years old and still hold up like they're new. Like there's no contest.


Also, nobody is killing animals solely to get their skin for leather.

Most leather on the market is made from cattle. You know what happened to the rest of the animal? It got eaten. That was the primary reason for the animal to be raised and then slaughtered. The animal is going to die whether or not its skin is made into leather. Avoiding leather is not going to save the animal's life. You are not harming the animal any more than it was already going to be harmed.

If you're talking about leather from animals we don't raise for meat, and especially leather from endangered animals, that's a horse of a different color. But you'd know it was "exotic" leather because it would be labeled as such and you'd be paying for it.

Regular leather? The animal didn't die for the leather, the animal died for the meat, and the leather is a strictly secondary product. If we stopped all new leather from being produced tomorrow, the number of cattle being slaughtered each day would not change.