Tumblr Staff — Big Update, Tumblr.

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Big Update, Tumblr.


So big that we have to roll it out over two whole days, in fact. It’s a brand new set of tools for making posts. It’s clean, it’s powerful, and if you don’t have it yet, you’ll have it soon.  

Images go anywhere

In any caption, for any reason. For photo essays, for GIF conversations, for avant-garde nonsense. Click the ⊕ that pops up when you start a new line of text, upload an image, and there you are.

Videos go anywhere, too

Same deal with videos. Click the ⊕, drop in any embed code, and blammo.

Text looks dynamite

Whether in your dashboard, the Optica theme, or the mobile apps, the queen of post types now looks suitably regal.

Posts look like posts

From the moment you make a new post to the moment you actually hit “Post,” everything looks exactly how it’s going to look on the dashboard. There’s nothing standing between you and your work, and all the fancy stuff is only a hover away.

Writing, not just text

New ways to structure your work, like subheads and horizontal lines. Coming soon: some real crafty shit. Whatever you want to write—simple things, flashy things, handsome things, trashy things—now you can write the hell out of it. 

That’s the big stuff. You’ll find some smaller tweaks on your own. We’re just excited to see what kind of things you’ll make with all of this. Go forth. 
