



the “cannibalism is inherently sexual and about love and so hot” crowd somehow turns out to be very put off when a rap song has the word pussy in it

“shake that ass bitch” on a trap beat seems to be just a little too much for blogger who spends 7 hours of their day writing omegaverse fanfic porn

“be gay do crimes” chanter suddenly very upset reading lyrics on genius dot com about someone making and dealing drugs

this post is about antiblack racism and specifically how nonblack users like the ones mentioned above have a racial bias and are ok with sexuality and talk of violence until it’s coming from a black person, the subconscious idea that black people are uniquely perverse or aggressive is what’s being mocked here, if ur reblogging this and saying anything like “me” ur missing the point, this behavior isn’t funny or cute or quirky, its just one of the many ways nonblacks show how they dehumanize us while being perfectly fine with doing the same actions that they dislike seeing a black person do bc of not seeing us as equally human

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