Bi (attraction regardless of gender), Butch,
Pronoun indifferent (barring it/itself)
This is an adult blog

If you could kindly share my account and story, or donate, it would greatly help my family. We are living under difficult conditions in the Gaza Strip and urgently need your support. Your assistance will make a significant difference in our lives.


Thank you very much,



Thank you. @ibtisams

My family and I will never forget your kindness.

Your participation may be the lifeline.

We thank you and are forever grateful to you.

I really appreciate and needed that

♥️ 🕊️🇵🇸✌️

$23,377/$450,000 kr

Equivalence to $usd is $2,337.7/$45,000

Please help them, they’ve been trying to raise the funds since April!!!


“ Palestinian woman holds a Palestinian flag and wild plants to prevent breathing tear gas. During the weekly activities against the Israeli Apartheid Wall, Ne'leen, West Bank, Palestine.
@Mohammad Alhaj


Palestinian woman holds a Palestinian flag and wild plants to prevent breathing tear gas. During the weekly activities against the Israeli Apartheid Wall, Ne'leen, West Bank, Palestine.
@Mohammad Alhaj





Hey did you know that you can’t escape fatphobia even after death? The article talks about how these donated bodies are used for first year anatomy students to study the body, and how the ‘perfect’ body for that should be 170-180 pounds.

“The storage is one issue, but when you are obese, there’s a lot of tissue everywhere. The students don’t get as good a learning opportunity.”

“That program limits donors to between 170 pounds and 180 pounds, though an exceptionally tall donor might be allowed at 190.

“It’s the maximum our equipment will handle,” Powers said.

Sounds like they just need newer and better equipment?

Obese bodies are more difficult, time-consuming and unpleasant to study, said Wade, who also heads his state’s anatomy board.“

Ah yes, we’ve arrived at the real reason..

Quick question, if fat bodies are not accepted as potential cadavers for medical students to study on then what are the consequences for that?

Fat people are dismissed medically and are told to lose weight before even getting a chance to be examined. While alive. Then are rejected for further study after death. How many people died and will die because medical professionals are missing potential problems that could be diagnosed?



anytime a woman starts talking about the “bonds of sisterhood that inherently exist between all women” you just know they bullied the weird girls in high school

of course the TERFs found this and of course theyre pissed cuz they are exactly the kind of woman this post is about


your body deserves respect in its current form, whatever that form is. it deserves love and care and softness and food and fresh air and comfortable clothing, now. not once you’ve lost 10 pounds. not once you’ve cleared your skin. not once you’ve attained whatever body goal you’ve convinced yourself will bring you body confidence and happiness. you deserve comfort, NOW. 



A Canadian journalist is defending his decision to travel the U.S. in blackface and write a book about racism, after facing a storm of criticism online.

“Last summer, I disguised myself as a Black man and traveled throughout the United States to document how racism persists in American society," Sam Forster, who is white, posted Tuesday on X, formerly Twitter. "Writing Seven Shoulders was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done as a journalist.”

The reaction was swift and brutal, with X users expressing anger, amusement and confusion, and telling Forster he should have simply spoken to Black people to understand their experiences.

“It’s hard to simultaneously draw the ire of black people, white people, conservatives, AND liberals… But I think you’ve just done it," rapper and podcaster Zuby replied on X.

Several Black scholars who study race relations and write about the Black experience told CBC News that Forster's use of blackface is dehumanizing and troublesome, regardless of the context. Forster himself defended the book and the methods he used to write it in an interview with CBC News. […]

Institutional racism (the anti-Black variety) is effectively dead,” Forster concludes in the book. “Most of what’s left of racism in this country are the few, socially narrow opportunities for soft interpersonal racism: shoulder racism.” […]

Continue Reading.

Tagging: @newsfromstolenland, @vague-humanoid

I’m sorry, did this dude really say “I pretended to be Black for three months, in a foreign country, and now announce that institutional racism is dead”?

Blackface notwithstanding, even giving any manner of benefit of the doubt for intention and approach, I’m astounded by the audacity of playacting as a minority without context and affirming confidently that the experiences of actual minorities are invalid.

The blackface was bad enough (i.e., exceptionally, unaccountably bad), but then using that to, what, debunk? generations of Black American experience?

Entirely go fuck yourself.




tweet by dalia @.robeccasteams: “All of my uncles, aunts, and cousins are running their devices on ESims RN. Without them we literally would have zero contact with them RN, so they are seriously the most helpful thing for Palestinian families right now.” February 18th 2024ALT

how to donate an eSIM

if you are unable to go through this process, you can also donate directly to crips for e-sims for gaza, run by trusted disability justice leaders alice wong and leah lakshmi piepszna-samarasinha and poet jane shi. read their statement on wong’s blog, disability visibility project, here

#i’ve been donating to crips for esims bcus i know personally i can’t keep up with topping up #so donating there is also helpful bcus it gives them a pool of funds to keep esims topped up with if u can’t afford it urself

^ yes!! very important note!!