HOBBIES INCLIDE eating corn on the cob and going to bed

trains will announce you're stopping in places you never knew existed

and when it gets dark & you're a little disorientated they like to slip in a couple that really didn't exist before


perfect tags

It's so fascinating when culture war weirdos get to the point where they can't express their enjoyment of something without first making up a guy who's sooooo mad at them for it and seething and coping soooo hard about it


Yeah sure Mr Trad West all the betas are SOOOO mad at you for enjoying nature, you're owning them sooooo hard.


Solidarity with children is often neglected or even made a joke of, so I wanna take a second and tell y'all what I wish I could go back in time and tell myself:

You're right. School is bullshit, homework is bullshit, waking up early is bullshit, going to bed early is bullshit. Some adults are just pointlessly cruel, even those in positions of authority over you. Sometimes adults are wrong, and, in fact, sometimes you are right

You were born with an innate sense of justice and fairness and adults have spent your entire life trying to beat it out of you so you'll shut up and do what you're told in an unjust and unfair society. Don't let them. Many of us have to take effort to relearn the wisdom you have right now, the ability to tell when something is bullshit even if you can't articulate why yet

You deserve happiness, fulfillment, and liberation just as much as any adult. Those first 18 years are just as important as any other time in your life, and it's time you'll never get back. Don't let anyone take them from you just because you're too young to fight back

Question everything, and never take "that's just the way it is" as an answer. Sometimes when things don't make sense to you it's because they just don't make any goddamn sense

Pick your battles, and be strategic. Don't take this post as permission to go starting fights for no reason. But remember that you have worth, and our society tends to not respect that. And you're right: that is bullshit

(also, read Anarchy Works)

Haven’t read it myself, but if it interests you then you can read it here for free in case paying for a book online and having it shipped to your house isn’t an option for you

You will get farther in one week paying close, nonjudgmental attention to the unmet needs underlying your "bad" behavior than you will in a year of punishing yourself and demanding you become a different person. I'm right shut up.



I posted a comment as a joke response to a friend years ago, definitely before COVID, I wanna say like 2018, saying that you can hold a raw potato to the "vaccine wound" and someone thought I was being serious, screenshot it, and spread it everywhere. So if you ever hear that people believe a potato will remove a vaccine, you now know who to blame for that.


This was 100% made up by me. I posted this. I personally am responsible for a small conspiracy theory.


An article someone wrote about it, apparently it was early 2019.

This is exactly how easily misinformation gets spread around btw. Like there are multiple articles about this half-assed shitpost. I absolutely 100% invented it out of thin air. Zero basis. Just was going through my "potatoes are funny" phase.


you're the person to blame?! lol, same shit with stuff like "8 spiders a year". it's weird how critique/parody of misinformation ends up becoming its own misinformation.


there should be an episode of mob psycho where an orchestra somewhere is panicking because their conductor has been killed by an evil spirit and reigan shows up thinking he and mob would exorcise the spirit but mob doesnt show up for his own reasons so reigan calls him while standing in front of the orchestra. Mob doesn’t answer so reigan goes on to leave him a very long voicemail explaining the situation but while hes doing so, all his hand movements make the orchestra think hes the replacement conductor. And so they start playing to his hand movements which results in a shockingly stunning and unique performance from this orchestra. People talk about it forever. It goes down in history as a moment that changed music forever etc etc

#reigen turns around and the spirit is weeping with joy at the beautiful song like "music has peaked there's no more to be done" #and reigen is like "so you'll stop killing people now?" #and the spirit is like "oh no that means i'm going to kill the entire orchestra so they never try to make music again. and also you" #and then right before killing him to death the spirit pops like a balloon revealing mob standing right behind it #who says "sorry i was in the bathroom"ALT

Sometimes it's useful to look at your dialogue and ask yourself, "would a real human being talk like that?" But it's also good to ask the follow-up questions of "would the way a real human being talks sound good here" and "does this character actually talk like a real human being or are they weird about it."

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