

This tag is associated with 3 posts

The Census data was published. What does it mean for data journalists?

Angeliki Kastanis is a data journalist at The Associated Press and an expert on the US Census. They talk with Alberto and Simon about what the 2020 Census data released so far told us, offers tips and tricks for getting the most out of it for reporters – and even working as a Census enumerator.  … Continue reading

US Census bonus podcast episode

Tomorrow (August 12) sees the release of crucial US Census redistricting data – which will shape US government and politics for the next crucial election cycles. It will also give us unique insights into the changing demographic makeup of regions across the US. Alberto and Simon chat with Joe Germuska (executive director at @KnightLab and … Continue reading

Mapping the census: how we did it (in three steps)

The Census is one of those data exercises that brings out the best and worst in day-to-day data journalism. The best is the access to lovely very granular data which can allow you to interrogate an area in detail. The worst is the amount of mucking around you have to do with the data just … Continue reading

About me

Data journalist, writer, speaker. Author of 'Facts are Sacred', published by Faber & Faber and a new range of infographics for children books from Candlewick. Data editor at Google, California. Formerly at Twitter, San Francisco. Created the Guardian Datablog. All opinions on this site are mine, not my employers'. Read more >>

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