
Scrolling through tumblr these days is like scrolling through a field of corpses: Awesome black political blogger I used to follow, Awesome black political blogger I used to follow, trans woman I used to follow, Awesome Latino political blogger I used to follow, Awesome native political blogger I used to follow, trans woman I didn't follow but still knew, Awesome nonbinary political blogger I used to follow, trans woman I used to follow, trans woman I used to follow, black blogger who mostly just posted funny stuff I used to follow, etm.


These senseless bans aren't just cruelly removing these people from their online communities, they're removing the online communities from tumblr. We are worse off without each one of them. Our lives are emptier. And the worst part is they're not even really *dead*, just completely out of reach. Yet finding their old posts still feels like walking through a graveyard....


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    Scrolling through tumblr these days is like scrolling through a field of corpses: Awesome black political blogger I used...