React Tag

Keeping up with the blazingly fast-changing landscape of front-end engineering and Javascript can be challenging. From build tools to full-blown frameworks, we are spoilt for choice – and sometimes bewildered by it. Determined to cut through the noise and be a guiding light, Web Directions Code...

TGRS stands for TypeScript, GraphQL, React and serverless. Over the last couple of years we have successfully built a number of enterprise single-page applications (SPAs) using this stack of technologies, as they complement each other well. In this post I'll talk about what our motivations have been for choosing...

A couple of weeks ago I attended ComponentsConf 2019 in Melbourne, Australia. This conference focuses on JavaScript frameworks and libraries, and I was pretty excited to attend it. This is because over the last year I have been working on a component library to be shared across a number of projects. It needs to work in everything from Drupal to Angular, and we're still trying to find the best foundation to build it on. A conference that is framework-agnostic seemed like a good place to learn more about the options that are available.

This blog post is a tutorial on how to deploy a static web application to AWS S3.

It includes a comprehensive explanation on what we're doing; hence the length! However, there will be some skipping points which you can click when you don't want to hear about lengthy explanations.

For you who like to dive into the source code directly, I've made a Github repo for this post as well.

Shine’s TEL group was established in 2011, like the date is important. We publicise the great technical work that Shine does, and raise the company’s profile as a technical thought-leader in the community through blogs, local meetup talks, conference presentations, and tattooing our logo on drunk developers. We curate all the noteworthy things that Shiners have been doing and publish a newsletter that nobody reads. Join us for a slightly festive edition. After all, nobody does Christmas better than corporate blogs.
Shine’s TEL group was established in 2011, initially as a three-piece old-school-bebop Jazz combo but expanded to include a horn section during our worldwide tour of Iceland. We publicise the great technical work that Shine does, and raise the company’s profile as a technical thought-leader in the community through blogs, local meetup talks, conference presentations, and driving around shouting out of car windows. We curate all the noteworthy things that Shiners have been up to and publish a newsletter that nobody reads.
Shine’s TEL group was established in 2011, initially to share jam-making recipes. We publicise the great technical work that Shine does, and raise the company’s profile as a technical thought-leader in the community through blogs, local meetup talks, and conference presentations. We curate all the noteworthy things that Shiners have been up to and publish a newsletter, this very one that you're reading right now. Hey, when you read this, whose voice do you hear in your head? Is it mine? Or yours? Everything I read is in Frank Walker from National Tiles' voice, please help me. Read on for this edition.