Digital Platforms & Apps

Innovate with best-in-class digital services

Turning the vision into reality.

Digital applications built for the enterprise: secure, reliable, and easy to use.

Shine has built and managed award-winning high-performance web and mobile enterprise applications for some of Australia’s largest and most well-known companies across the banking & finance, telecommunications, energy and retail sectors.

Not just developers, we are also business solution consultants, utilising domain expertise and advising on the best technologies and techniques required to meet your business requirements.

Using the latest technologies and scalable cloud-based architectures, we can architect, build and manage new custom applications or transition your existing legacy applications into modern, responsive and usable experiences.

We also have extensive experience developing reliable and scalable APIs and microservices to build web-scale, distributed and decoupled applications.

No ring-fencing or IP retainment

Once live, we can support and performance-manage your applications, or transfer complete control to your teams – we’re not interested in making you dependent on us.

Quality & Performance Engineering

We use agile development processes to build and iterate, and a ‘one-team’ Dev(Sec)Ops and Quality Engineering approach to deliver rapid and reliable code releases.

Services include:

Digital strategy

App development – web, mobile and app

Progressive web apps

CMS implementation

Web personalisation & analytics

Legacy application modernisation

Tech stack

Our key AppDev tech stack includes: React/React Native, Angular, Spring Boot, Node.js, Lambda, TypeScript, GraphQL, Swift, Kotlin, Java, Python.

Ready to innovate?

Get in touch with us today

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