vic genderposter

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

hi, it’s clarith! this is my wildbow blog. fae/faer + they/them dyke. my icon is this labyrinth art by rililith and my header is this art of my vic aus by noctilia. i do check most new followers and if your blog has terf zionist or thinspo shit on it you will be blocked

Animated glitter text that says "Ontologically Evil"ALT
Banner that says "I am a bad faith actor looking for reasons to hate wildbow" between crossed-out boarsALT
Banner that says "Warning! This blogger has been affected by the Simurgh. Do not read or respond to any of their posts." between caution signs and swansALT
Banner that says "Do not put me on Reddit" between crossed-out Reddit logosALT
Naruto panel with textboxes edited to read "Maybe I do hate the fandom. But not Amy. Not the girl."ALT
The same Naruto panel edited to read "Maybe I do hate the fandom. But not Vicky. Not the boy."ALT
Pinned Post pinned post

wormgirl has been banned from the fighting games tournament for executing the illegal and extremely cosmologically unhealthy Universe Searing Emerald Butterfly Triumph against her opponent, reducing the competition venue and everything around it for 700 miles in all directions to smoldering ash. she kicks the fused wreck of her controller in irritation. a bad sport, surviving onlookers agree.



The beat that always stuck with me in regards to Uber and Leet was when Taylor mentions that they beat up sex workers on livestream while LARPing Grand Theft Auto. Uber and Leet get a lot of mentions before they actually show up, and the drumbeat is that they're pathetic, they're fodder, "as incompetent as supervillains can be while staying out of jail." Leet is the butt of a rom-com gag where Brian gives Taylor pointers on how to choke a man out more effectively. But they made money by beating up sex workers on livestream. That's a non-negligible number of potentially ruined lives! That's not softball fun-and-games! It's like textbook misogynistic violence against the marginalized! It's awful!

The narrative doesn't really dwell on this, because it's told almost exclusively from the perspective of people who have the firepower necessary to get away with treating Uber and Leet like jokes. But I think that it's a useful reminder that if you aren't one of the initiated, so to speak, then an encounter with the C-list, D-list, Z-list supervillain can be life-altering if not life-ending. The dumbest listicle-fodder DC or Marvel villain you've ever heard of has probably ruined at least one person's life over their handful of appearances, if not more. And it's an early indictment of the broad concept of the unwritten rules as advanced by Lisa, where she calls out Uber and Leet as the textbook example of villains kept in circulation because they're "amusing but harmless." This is within parameters? This doesn't merit heroes and villains putting aside their differences to clean house of problematic elements? Of course it doesn't. Both examples that Lisa gives of that dynamic in 3.6 involve a cape transgressing against another cape.