If you are a TERF, Transmed, Racist, or just out to be a jerk or cause trouble, whatever leave I block often and will block on sight

A bit of a mess but I try to be friendly!

Art only blog

Side/inspo blog




Ko-fi / ko-fi shop


If you would like anything tagged feel free to let me know

giant metal ball from. ELDEN ring...kina sexy when ya think about it


Do you think...she likes girls ?? 😳😳😳

they should put a bomb collar on me tbh


can you just kill me next time

if you are unable to go through this process, you can also donate directly to crips for e-sims for gaza, run by trusted disability justice leaders alice wong and leah lakshmi piepszna-samarasinha and poet jane shi. read their statement on wong's blog, disability visibility project, here

#i've been donating to crips for esims bcus i know personally i can't keep up with topping up #so donating there is also helpful bcus it gives them a pool of funds to keep esims topped up with if u can't afford it urself

^ yes!! very important note!!



lay an egg

why not lay an egg?

i just think youd lay a really nice egg

Our kitten crawled into my girlfriend's sleeve


black tortoiseshell


some more of these two


I am once again opening comms ! I need some money for bills and expenses so If anyone is interested feel free to send me an e-mail in the contact shown above! ([email protected]) All the support is appreciated ;A;

⭐️6 slots!!

I only have 2 slots left now!

Its sad but I’ve seen too many cats that were hit by cars

The sentiment of keeping a cat outside and just leave food out.. then dont have a cat if you dont even want to keep it

“june is over so now it’s gay wrath month” blah blah reminder that july is disability pride month and is often ignored and disregarded!! funnel that wrath into advocating for your disabled peers and amplifying their voices

The masc carabiner and the femme chatelaine.


You agree.

mentally devastated gym bros are utterly correct in their nutritional reverence of the humble egg

a tumblr text post by cherryflavoredbutch that reads: oh fuck *falls back into old habits* *screen fades to black* *level loading* TIP: your belief that you are incapable of changing for the better will become a self fulfilling prophecy if left unchallengedALT
a tumblr text post by futuredeadwife that reads: YOU MUST BREAK THE PATTERN TODAY OR THE LOOP WILL REPEAT TOMORROWALT
a tumblr text post by bareniabirkin that reads: you will be tested in the same way every time until you learn your lessonALT
an photo of two butterflies resting on flowers with the caption "evolve or repeat."ALT

this is my favorite genre of post

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