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October 4, 2018

Apache Struts double evaluation RCE lottery

Man Yue Mo

In this post I’m going to cover a type of RCE vulnerability in Apache Struts called a double evaluation. This type of issue is not normally considered critical by the Struts security team as it relies partly on the user of the framework putting some untrusted data in a template or a configuration file. However, as the behaviour of double evaluation is fairly counter-intuitive, developers can easily get caught out and expose their Struts applications to RCE. This article is a very good example of how a skilled attacker can make use of double evaluations to trigger RCE in real world applications. (The example is using a framework called Seam, but the problem is the same as with Struts.) There is also an entry in OWASP that contains examples from Spring with regard to CVE-2011-2730.

In April 2018, I reported the issues I found to the Struts security team. At the end of August, 2018, I received the following response:

Thanks for your interest on helping Struts, I appreciate your help J Please consider that I don’t recognized that as a vulnerability. OGNL has ability of double evaluations. It’s the user business to check end user provided data for dangerous code injection when he/she would like to double evaluate end user raw data against OGNL.

In other words, it is now the user’s responsibility to make sure that they don’t accidentally trigger double evaluations in Struts. Regardless of whether these should be considered vulnerabilities in Struts itself, I figured that I should disclose these issues publicly so that the users can be made aware of them.


This post is rather technical and includes lots of detail about the discovery of the vulnerabilities. Users who want to know about the background of the problem should look at the section below this called “Double Evaluation “. In the currrent section, I’ve written a brief summary of advice for Struts users who just want to know how to stay safe:

  1. Do not use the either the ${..} or %{..} syntax in Struts tags or Struts configurations (including the XML configurations and in-code configurations with the convention plugin) at all. For Struts tags, the use of %{..} is against the security advice given here and here, while the use of ${..} is against the advice given here. For XML, it is not against any existing advice, but the problem is the same. The ${..}/%{..} syntax doesn’t always do what you might expect and the exact behavior depends on individual tags/configurations. Even if it is not a security problem, it can be buggy. If you must use one of these syntaxes and you are 100% certain about what you are doing, then do not pass user input into them. Bear in mind that user input can often come in surprising ways, e.g. via binding of properties in an Action, or some stored database entities that originate from user input.

  2. Do not use the AliasInterceptor with any of the names or aliases set with user input. So, in following example, neither name nor value in the param tag should come from remote user input (e.g. #{#parameters['name'][0] : #parameters['value'][0]} or if name and value are properties of SomeAction with pubic setters). In this case, any value that name or value happens to be will be evaluated directly as OGNL.

     <action name="someAction" class="com.examples.SomeAction">
         <param name="aliases">#{ name : value }</param>
         <interceptor-ref name="alias"/>
         <interceptor-ref name="basicStack"/>
         <result name="success">good_result.ftl</result>
  3. Do not try to sanitize OGNL input by looking for ${..} or %{..} in user input. Some tags/configurations, as well as the AliasInterceptor, will just evaluate user input as OGNL without them being wrapped inside the special ${..} or %{..} syntax. This makes it hard to sanitize input.

Double evaluation

Generally speaking, double evaluation, as its name suggests, is when an expression string gets evaluated as code, and then, if the result is another string, it gets evaluated as code again.

Let’s take a look at some concrete examples. The very first issue of this kind that I know of is S2-012. This issue was rated “Moderately Critical” and was described as a showcase app vulnerability. Back then, the showcase app had the following action in the configuration:

<action name="save" class="org.apache.struts2.showcase.action.SkillAction" method="save">
    <result type="redirect">edit.action?skillName=${}</result>

The key here is ${}. The ${} (or %{} as I’ll explain later) here is a special syntax that indicates the content inside it should be treated as an OGNL expression. The expression first evaluates to the name property of the field currentSkill of the action. This property is set from a form submitted by the end user. Normally we would not expect this to be a problem because whatever is, it should be then treated as a string literal, or html. For example, in a JSP template such as

<h1><%=request.getParameter("name") %></h1>
<div id=${param["name"]}>

if the name request parameter happens to be ${1+1}, then all of the above will output as ${1+1}, instead of carrying on to evaluate ${1+1} and outputing 2. (You may have problems with html injection with the above, but that’s a different issue, and JSP does provide a means to deal with it.)

However, with double evaluations, if a user sets this name property to a string of the form ${expr}, then after evaluating ${}, expr will be treated as an OGNL script and will be evaluated again, which, of course, results in RCE. Moreover, this issue did not just affect the showcase app, but any application that contained something like this in the configuration file:

<action name="someAction">
    <result type="redirect">someString...${some user input}</result>

The next issue is S2-015. This is rated as “Highly Critical” and the set-up is very similar to S2-012. The security bulletin ticket provides this as an example of a vulnerable configuration:

<result type="httpheader">
    <param name="headers.foobar">${message}</param>

and this as the PoC (%24%7B1%2B1%5D is the encoded form of ${1+1}):


What is interesting here is that the expression ${message} in the vulnerable configuration first evaluates to the message property of the HelloWorld class in the showcase app. In this (rather old) case, the property has a public setter, therefore it gets bound automatically to a query parameter named message in the request. This is how the OGNL script from the PoC gets into the ${message} expression in the configuration file. While this is not uncommon for MVC frameworks, it is quite easy to get caught out and forget that properties in an action can be controlled by an end user.

Three years after S2-015, the next issues of this type that were found were S2-029 and S2-036. Issue S2-029 was rated as “Important”, while S2-036 rated as “Medium”. The only details I found on these issues are here. For the benefit of readers who can’t read Chinese, I’ll summarize the details of S2-029 here. This issue affects two Struts tags, the text and i18n tags, when the name attribute in these tags is set to an OGNL expression, for example:

<s:i18 name="%{#parameters['name']}">xxxx</s:i18n>
<s:text name="%{#parameters['name']}">xxxx</s:text>

Again, if the name parameter evaluates to another valid OGNL expression, then it will be evaluated again and cause an RCE. The vulnerable code in the i18n class at that time was:

public boolean start(Writer writer) {
    boolean result = super.start(writer);

    try {
        String name = this.findString(, "name", "Resource bundle name is required. Example: foo or foo_en");  //<-- first evaluation in `findString`
        ResourceBundle bundle = (ResourceBundle) findValue("getTexts('" + name + "')"); //<-- second evaluation in `findValue`

In the first line of the try block, the name property of the tag was first evaluated using the findString method (which evaluates its argument as OGNL under the hood). In the next line, the result of this evaluation goes into findValue, which again evaluates its argument as OGNL under the hood. The vulnerable code in Text has a slightly longer flow and it uses getText instead of findValue for the second evaluation. The issue in i18n was fixed here, while the one in Text was fixed here. You may notice that the commit dates of these are much later than the dates of the original issues. Looking at details of S2-029 and S2-036, my speculation is that they were fixed originally by excluding some classes that are accessible to OGNL to stop the reporters’ exploits from working. It seems the fix was then bypassed in S2-036, which prompted a proper fix and, as a result, more classes got excluded.

Finding double evaluations

Now that I’ve explained what double evaluation is about, and shown some code patterns that lead to double evaluation, let’s try to find them with queries. As with the previous posts, the queries here should be imported as an Eclipse project from here. You can run the queries using the CodeQL for Eclipse plugin.

[EDIT]: You can also use our free CodeQL extension for Visual Studio Code. See installation instructions at

As I’ve seen with previous double evaluation issues, this type of problem arises when attributes in configuration files get evaluated twice. When a Struts application starts, configuration and template files are parsed and their attributes are used to initialize properties in the corresponding classes. So our sources in this case are properties of classes that can be initialized from configuration or template files. I had a quick look and included the following classes:

/** A `Class` whose fields may be initialized from a config file.*/
class InputClass extends RefType {
  InputClass() {
    hasQualifiedName("org.apache.struts2.views.jsp", "StrutsBodyTagSupport") or
    hasQualifiedName("org.apache.struts2.components", "Component") or
    hasQualifiedName("com.opensymphony.xwork2", "Result") or
    hasQualifiedName("org.apache.struts.action", "Action") or
    hasQualifiedName("com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor", "Interceptor")

The fields in subclasses of StrutsBodyTagSupport and Component classes can be initialized from Struts tags in template files, while Result, Action and Interceptor may have their fields initialized from Struts configuration files. There may be other classes as well, but these are the ones that I looked at.

The sink in this case, is again the OGNL sink that I’ve used previously, as I’m interested in expressions that get evaluated as OGNL. To summarize, I’d like to identify the following issues in the source code of Struts:

  1. The source is a FieldAccess of a field from InputClass.
  2. The sink is an OGNL sink.
  3. The path must go through the OGNL sink at least once.

Of the above conditions, 3 is the most difficult one to define. If I just do a normal taint tracking with 1 being the source and 2 the sink, then I’ll get all the cases where a field is evaluated only once, which is not what I’m looking for. In order to find these issues, I’m going to need to chain two dataflow configurations together. The first one tracks a FieldAccess of an InputClass to an OGNL evaluation site, and the second starts from this evaluation site and tracks it into the second OGNL evaluation sink.


However, I cannot just use the previous OGNL sink as the sink of my first dataflow configuration. To understand why this is the case, consider the following paths:

String result = findString(this.inputField); //<-- flow from here: findString(this.inputField) ->...-> compileAndExecute(this.inputField)
String constantResult = findString("someConstant"); //<-- not tainted, but still ended up in compileAndExecute
findValue(result); //<-- flows into the second evaluation
findValue(constantResult); //<-- no double evaluation here

In the above, I have both inputField and someConstant being evaluated twice. The evaluation of inputField is problematic, but the evaluation of someConstant is ok. However, if I start my second taint-tracking from the point of compileAndExecute, then as I back-track to the body of findString, I would lose the information of where I came from. Consequently, I could either continue into findString(this.inputField)->result->findValue(result) or findString("someConstant")->constantResult->findValue(constantResult). The following diagram illustrates this.


As you can see, if I start from compileAndExecute when tracking the second evaluation, then when I get to the body of findString, I’ll struggle to know where to continue my tracking. From a taint-tracking point of view, both paths into findString(inputField) and findString(constant) are possible, and I’ll end up getting results in both findValue(constantResult) and findValue(result). What I really need is a taint-tracking configuration that looks more like this:


In other words, I want the tracking of the first evaluation to stop as soon as I know that a function is evaluating its argument as OGNL. I can then carry on using the call site of this function as the source to track for the second evaluation. I’ll call these functions “entry points” into OGNL from now on.

Looking for entry point functions to OGNL

For a function to be an entry point to OGNL, it must first evaluate one of its parameters as OGNL. In other words, at least one of its parameters flows into an OGNL sink. So I’ll start with a taint-tracking configuration that tracks parameters of a function into an OGNL sink:

class OgnlCallConfiguration extends DataFlow3::Configuration {
  OgnlCallConfiguration() {
    this = "OgnlCallConfiguration"
  override predicate isSource(DataFlow::Node source) {
    exists(Method m | m.getAParameter() = source.asParameter() and
      source.asParameter().getType() instanceof TypeString
  override predicate isSink(DataFlow::Node sink) {
  ... standard edges and barriers

This can then be used to identify methods that evaluate their parameters as OGNL under the hood:

class OgnlCallMethod extends Method {
  OgnlCallMethod() {
    exists(OgnlCallConfiguration cfg, DataFlow::Node source |
      cfg.hasFlow(source, _) and source.asParameter() = this.getAParameter()

To identify the entry point methods, I want to find OgnlCallMethods that may be called by a non-OgnlCallMethod, because that will be the point where I enter OGNL evaluation in the code.

public String ognlCallEntry(string expr) {
  return ognlCallNonEntry(expr);

public void execute() {

In the above code, ognlCallEntry is the entry point as it is the first place in execute where I know this.field is going to be evaluated as an OGNL expression, while ognlCallNonEntry is not.

So, I add a simple condition to make sure that the entry point function is not always called by another OgnlCallMethod:

class OgnlEntryPointMethod extends OgnlCallMethod {
  OgnlEntryPointMethod() {
    exists(Method m | m.polyCalls(this) and not m instanceof OgnlCallMethod)

Running a query to look for OgnlEntryPointMethod, I quickly noticed that I got some results, such as stripExpressionIfAltSyntax, that do not evaluate its parameters as OGNL at all. Looking at the code path in the path explorer, I saw that this is because the return value of stripExpressionIfAltSyntax ended up flowing into findValue and getting evaluated.


After a further check of the results, I manually removed a couple of the obvious functions that have similar problems. I’ve added the final OgnlEntryPointMethod class to OGNL.qll.

Taint-tracking pipeline

Now that I’ve identified the OGNL entry point methods. I can start writing my taint-tracking configurations. In the first taint-tracking configuration, I want to follow a field that may come from a user configuration in to an OGNL sink:

class InputClass extends RefType {
  InputClass() {
    hasQualifiedName("org.apache.struts2.views.jsp", "StrutsBodyTagSupport") or
    hasQualifiedName("org.apache.struts2.components", "Component") or
    hasQualifiedName("com.opensymphony.xwork2", "Result") or
    hasQualifiedName("org.apache.struts.action", "Action") or
    hasQualifiedName("com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor", "Interceptor")

/** A `Field` that may take value from a config file.*/
class ConfigurableField extends Field {
  ConfigurableField() {
    getDeclaringType().getASupertype*() instanceof InputClass

So the source of my dataflow configuration will be an access to these fields, as well as the return of the getParams method in ActionConfig, which, as its name suggests, also takes input from a configuration file.

  override predicate isSource(DataFlow::Node source) {
    exists(ConfigurableField f | f.getAnAccess() = source.asExpr() and
      not f instanceof ConstantField)
    //`ActionConfig` params are also taken from configuration.
    exists(MethodAccess ma, Method m | ma.getMethod() = m and
      m.getDeclaringType().hasName("ActionConfig") and
      m.hasName("getParams") and source.asExpr() = ma

The sink is now an argument of an OgnlEntryPointMethod (or a method that it overrides, to take polymorphism into account).

  override predicate isSink(DataFlow::Node sink) {
    exists(MethodAccess ma, OgnlEntryPointMethod entry, Method m | ma.getMethod() = m and
      ma.getAnArgument() = sink.asExpr() and entry.overridesOrInstantiates*(m)

The additionalFlowSteps are pretty much the standard ones that I used before, but I don’t use isTaintFieldStep because the assumption that it makes is no longer valid in this case and, after testing, it gave me too many bogus results. To compensate for this, I added an extra edge to track through the fields of ActionMapping, which is a commonly used class.

/** Tracks through constructor and getter of `ActionMapping`.*/
predicate actionMapperEdge(DataFlow::Node node1, DataFlow::Node node2) {
  exists(ConstructorCall c | c.getAnArgument() = node1.asExpr() and
    c.getConstructedType() instanceof ActionMapping and c = node2.asExpr()
  ) or
  exists(MethodAccess ma | ma.getMethod() instanceof ActionMappingGetMethod and
    node1.asExpr() = ma.getQualifier() and node2.asExpr() = ma

This dataflow configuration will identify the locations where an expression coming from the Struts configuration may get evaluated. I’ll now feed the call site of these sinks into a second dataflow configuration, the DoubleEvalConfig, to identify cases where the input gets evaluated twice:

from DoubleEvalConfig cfg, DataFlow::PathNode source, DataFlow::PathNode sink,
InputCfg input, DataFlow::Node inputSrc, DataFlow::Node inputSink
where cfg.hasFlowPath(source, sink) and input.hasFlow(inputSrc, inputSink) and
//use call site of `InputCfg` as source of `DoubleEvalConfig`
exists(MethodAccess ma | ma = source.getNode().asExpr() and ma.getAnArgument() = inputSink.asExpr())
select source, source, sink, "$@ from configuration first $@ and then evaluated $@.", inputSrc, "Input", source, "evaluated", sink, "here"

where DoubleEvalConfig will track into an OGNL sink or an argument of an OgnlEntryPointMethod. The final query is in double_eval_final.ql I added some extra filters and this one is particularly worth mentioning:

not exists(MethodAccess ma | source.getNode().asExpr() = ma and sink.getNode().asExpr() = ma.getAnArgument())

After inspecting the results, I saw some “circular” results such as:

actionName = conditionalParse(actionName, invocation);

where actionName got evaluated once by conditionalParse, and then set to itself again, which means it may get evaluated again if the enclosing method is called again on the same instance. After some testing, I ruled this scenario out as being unlikely and removed it from the results.

After running this query, I got 18 results, which I then reported to the Struts security team in April 2018 with corresponding RCE exploits. As mentioned before, they rejected them as user errors rather than vulnerabilities in Struts, and do not intend to patch them.

Double evaluation results in Struts tags

I’ll first go through the results in Struts tags, the location of the source code, as well as the vulnerable configurations.

UIBean and its subclasses

The first result is in the abstract class UIBean. There are two attributes that double evaluate in this class. The first one is the name attribute. It first gets evaluated by the findString method, and then gets evaluated again by findValue. The other one is the key attribute, which is used to set the name attribute when it is not set in the configuration.

As this code is inside the evaluateParams method of UIBean, any subclass that does not override this method is affected. A quick query shows that 27 tags may be affected (not counting the inline classes, and probably fewer because there is some branching involved). For example, the following configuration of the Hidden tag

<s:hidden name="%{#parameters['name']}"/>

is prone to RCE if the request parameter name is some malicious OGNL payload.

Actually, this can probably pass as a “feature”, because these tags actually treat the name and key attributes as OGNL and do a single evaluation without the %{..} syntax anyway. For example

<s:hidden name="#parameters['name']"/>

will do a single evaluation of #parameters['name'] as OGNL and return the string value of the parameter name. So really this tag supports both single and double evaluations, depending on whether the %{..} syntax is used in the tag. What is curious about these tags is that, when the %{..} syntax is used, the result of the first evaluation will be evaluated as an OGNL expression, without the need to be enclosed in the %{..} syntax. So, if this tag is in the HellowWorld.jsp template

<s:hidden name="%{#parameters['name']}"/>

then the following request (where 1%2B1 is the encoded form of 1+1)


will see name being evaluated to 2. This can make it rather hard to sanitize for OGNL in the user input as anything that can be evaluated as OGNL will be evaluated.

Param tag used with Bean tag

The next result is in the Param tag. Depending on whether the value attribute is set or not, the name attribute evaluated in two different places. They then go into the addParameter method of component.

String name = findString(; //<-- First evaluation
if (suppressEmptyParameters) {
    if (value != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(value.toString())) {
        component.addParameter(name, value); //<-- second evaluation
    } else {
        component.addParameter(name, null); //<-- second evaluation

It turns out that, if component is a Bean, then its addParameter method will call the setProperty method of OgnlReflectionProvider, which evaluates name as OGNL. For example, the following in a JSP template

<s:bean name = "org.apache.struts2.util.Counter" var = "counter">
  <s:param name = "%{#parameters['property']}" value = "20"/>
  <s:param name = "last" value = "25" />

is vulnerable to RCE if the property query parameter is an OGNL string. Interestingly, the name attribute in the Param tag does not support single evaluation, so if I do

<s:bean name = "org.apache.struts2.util.Counter" var = "counter">
  <s:param name = "#parameters['property']" value = "20"/>
  <s:param name = "last" value = "25" />

then the #parameters['property'] in the name attribute will be treated as a string literal and not be evaluated at all. So, you either have double evaluations with the %{..} syntax or no evaluation at all. This is again different from the Text and i18n tags that were fixed with S2-029 and S2-036, where the %{..} indicates a single evaluation and double evaluation is not supported at all. So, what you get from %{..} depends on the specific tag and attribute.

To be fair, it is probably not very likely that anyone would dynamically select a property of a Bean based on user input anyway, given that the Bean and its fields are known at the time of the configuration.

Text tag, again

The last one in Struts tags is in the Text tag. Here the name attribute first gets evaluated by findString and passed into the getText method of TextProviderHelper as the defaultMesssage argument.

actualName = findString(name, "name", "You must specify the i18n key. Example: welcome.header"); //<-- first evaluated
String defaultMessage;
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(body)) {
    defaultMessage = body;
} else {
    defaultMessage = actualName;  //<-- defaultMessage tainted

Boolean doSearchStack = false;
if (searchStack != null) {
    Object value = findValue(searchStack, Boolean.class);
    doSearchStack = value != null ? (Boolean) value : false;

String msg = TextProviderHelper.getText(actualName, defaultMessage, values, getStack(), doSearchStack); //<-- goes into `getText`

In the getText method, if searchStack is set to true, then defaultMessage will be evaluated again. So for example, this tag will be vulnerable to RCE.

<s:text name="%{#parameters['name']}" searchValueStack = "true"/>

This is a rather unlikely configuration as searchValueStack is set to false by default and it is marked as deprecated. Struts has also fixed this here, but the fix has not been ported to 2.5.17 and 2.3.35 yet (latest version at the time of writing).

These are the results in the Struts tag. The configurations that trigger them are probably not very likely to be found in real world applications, and the use of %{..} in Struts tags is against Struts’ advice in S2-029 and S2-036 anyway. (However, it is perfectly inline with Struts’ advice in S2-053, which in fact contains a potentially vulnerable tag <@s.hidden name="%{redirectUri}"/> if the property redirectUri in the action has a public setter. Then again, having public setters in an Action is also against the security advice of Struts, so it is probably OK.)

Double evaluations in Struts configurations

Now let’s take a look at the results in Struts configurations. The vulnerable configurations here currently do not go against Struts’ advice and in the case of the AliasInterceptor, do not even require the use of the special ${..}/%{..} syntax.

AliasInterceptor, RCE without warning

This is perhaps the most interesting result of the lot as you do not need to use any of the ${..} or %{..} syntax to be vulnerable. There are two places where double evaluation takes place:

final Map<String, String> parameters = config.getParams();  //<-- parameters comes from config file.

if (parameters.containsKey(aliasesKey)) {

    String aliasExpression = parameters.get(aliasesKey);   //<-- `aliasExpression` tainted.
    ValueStack stack = ac.getValueStack();
    Object obj = stack.findValue(aliasExpression);  //<-- first evaluation.

    if (obj != null && obj instanceof Map) {
        Map aliases = (Map) obj;
        for (Object o : aliases.entrySet()) {
            Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) o;
            String name = entry.getKey().toString();  //<-- `name` is tainted
            String alias = (String) entry.getValue(); //<-- `alias` is tainted
            Evaluated value = new Evaluated(stack.findValue(name));  //<-- second evaluation of `name` 
            if (value.isDefined()) {
                try {
                    newStack.setValue(alias, value.get());  //<-- second evaluation of `alias`

This affects configurations like

<param name="aliases">#{ #parameters['name'][0] : value }</param>
<interceptor-ref name="alias"/>
<interceptor-ref name="basicStack"/>
<result name="success">good_result.ftl</result>


<param name="aliases">#{ 'name' : #parameters['value'][0] }</param>
<interceptor-ref name="alias"/>
<interceptor-ref name="basicStack"/>
<result name="success">good_result.ftl</result>

which may cause some surprise when you receive a request like this:

Note that in both cases, the value of the request parameter is interpreted as OGNL directly, without needing to be wrapped inside the special %{..}/${..} syntax.

ServletActionRedirectResult, ActionChainResult, PostbackResult, here we go again

It is a rather unfortunate coincidence that the vulnerable Result types in CVE-2018-11776 also have double evaluation issues. Furthermore, you don’t even need to enable alwaysSelectFullNamespace or use the convention plugin, and there is also no need to have an unset namespace. However, the user does have to put some untrusted input in the configuration inside a ${..} or %{..} syntax. I’ll go through the result in ServletActionRedirectResult here:

public void execute(ActionInvocation invocation) throws Exception {
    actionName = conditionalParse(actionName, invocation);   //<-- actionName first evaluated
    if (namespace == null) {
        namespace = invocation.getProxy().getNamespace();
    } else {
        namespace = conditionalParse(namespace, invocation);  //<-- namespace first evaluated
    if (method == null) {
        method = "";
    } else {
        method = conditionalParse(method, invocation);  //<-- method first evaluated

    String tmpLocation = actionMapper.getUriFromActionMapping(new ActionMapping(actionName, namespace, method, null));

    setLocation(tmpLocation);  //<-- all goes into tmpLocation, and then goes to the field `location`.

    super.execute(invocation);  //<-- goes into the `execute` method of `ServletRedirectResult`

In the above, the fields actionName, namespace and method are all evaluated once in the execute method of the ServletActionRedirectResult class, and then get combined into tmpLocation, which is used to set the location field. The code then calls the execute method in the base class StrutsResultSupport:

public void execute(ActionInvocation invocation) throws Exception {
    lastFinalLocation = conditionalParse(location, invocation); //<-- evaluates `location` the second time.
    doExecute(lastFinalLocation, invocation);

So, configurations like this

<result type="redirectAction">
  <param name="actionName">${#parameters['redirect']}</param>
  <param name="namespace">/namespace</param>


<result type="redirectAction">
  <param name="actionName">myAction</param>
  <param name="namespace">${#parameters['redirectNamespace']}</param>


<result type="redirectAction">
  <param name="actionName">myAction</param>
  <param name="namespace">/namespace</param>
  <param name="method">${#parameters['redirectMethod']}</param>

are all prone to RCE, with a request such as{expr}

This somehow reminds me of S2-012. Note that these configurations do not support single evaluations at all, meaning that you either don’t use the %{..}/${..} syntax and the attributes won’t be evaluated, or they will be evaluated twice.


The issue in StreamResult has a very simple flow:

protected void doExecute(String finalLocation, ActionInvocation invocation) throws Exception {
    try {
        if (inputStream == null) {
            LOG.debug("Find the inputstream from the invocation variable stack");
            inputStream = (InputStream) invocation.getStack().findValue(conditionalParse(inputName, invocation)); //<-- evaluates twice on the same line.

The field inputName first gets evaluated by conditionalParse, then again by the findValue method of OgnlValueStack. This affects the following kind of configurations:

<result name="success" type="stream">
  <param name="contentType">image/jpeg</param>
  <param name="inputName">${#parameters['inputName'][0]}</param>
  <param name="contentDisposition">attachment;filename="document.pdf"</param>
  <param name="bufferSize">1024</param>

The inputName field in this case actually “supports” both single and double evaluation. When it is not wrapped inside ${..}, it will be evaluated once, as OGNL:

<result name="success" type="stream">
  <param name="contentType">image/jpeg</param>
  <param name="inputName">#parameters['inputName'][0]</param>
  <param name="contentDisposition">attachment;filename="document.pdf"</param>
  <param name="bufferSize">1024</param>

Double evaluation occurs when it is wrapped in the ${..}/%{..} syntax. This also means that to attack it, the payload does not need to be wrapped inside the ${..}/%{..} syntax:

Interestingly, the official documentation actually uses the ${..} syntax in the inputName field. Of course, imageStream in that example is never going to have a public setter because that would go against Struts’ advice.


I’ve not actually tested these, because they only affect the jasper report plugin, which does not seem to be widely used. This affects the dataSource, exportParameters and reportParameters fields. The JasperReportsResult is first initialized by the initializeProperties method

private void initializeProperties(ActionInvocation invocation) throws Exception {
    if (dataSource != null)
        dataSource = conditionalParse(dataSource, invocation);  //<-- first evaluation
    reportParameters = conditionalParse(reportParameters, invocation);  //<-- first evaluation
    exportParameters = conditionalParse(exportParameters, invocation);  //<-- first evaluation

during which various fields are evaluated using the conditionalParse method. Some fields then get evaluated again

protected void doExecute(String finalLocation, ActionInvocation invocation) throws Exception {
    initializeProperties(invocation); //<-- first evaluation of various fields
    if (conn == null)
        stackDataSource = new ValueStackDataSource(stack, dataSource, wrapField); //<-- second evaluation of `dataSource` [1]
    Map reportParams = (Map) stack.findValue(reportParameters);  //<-- second evaluation of `reportParameters`
    try {
        Map exportParams = (Map) stack.findValue(exportParameters);  //<-- second evaluation of `exportParameters`

In [1], dataSource goes into the constructor of ValueStackDataSource, which gets evaluated again.

public ValueStackDataSource(ValueStack valueStack, String dataSourceParam, boolean wrapField) {
    this.valueStack = valueStack;
    this.dataSource = dataSourceParam;
    this.wrapField = wrapField;

    Object dataSourceValue = valueStack.findValue(dataSource);  //<-- second evaluation

Again, these three fields “support” both single and double evaluations, and will evaluate as OGNL once anyway.


In this post, I’ve explained the issue of double evaluation and showed how to find examples in Struts using CodeQL. I’ve also shown how the %{..}/%{..} syntax behaves differently depending on the attribute that it is used in. My advice for Struts users is to stop using this syntax in Struts tags and Struts configurations to avoid security issues and other bugs. One question remains: Struts has made some improvements to the SecurityMemberAccess in the latest version of Struts which makes double evaluation harder to exploit, so maybe these aren’t exploitable after all?

…Let’s just say there’s more than one way to skin a cat…

Finally, I’ve set up a Struts application that is vulnerable to one of the above issues here. Do have a go at popping a calculator there. I’ve set the Struts dependency 2.5.12 to simplify the exploit developement so that people can focus on the “interesting” part of the problem. Having said that, the app won’t give up without a fight! (If you think it is as simple as http://localhost:8080/alias-1.0.0/HelloWorld?name=expr, then you should definitely try it out!) Answer will be revealed after I write about how to bypass the Ognl security measures in 2.5.16.


Note: Post originally published on on October 04, 2018