Talking in the Dark (Posts tagged fashion)

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

a woman kneels on a riverbank, facing left. The riverbank is covered in bright green grass. The woman is reaching out to touch a tall purple flower growing out of the grass. She wears an orange tunic with blue trim under a beige skirt with two rows each of fringe fringe and blue flounces.ALT
the same woman in the same setting, now standing up, facing the camera at a three-quarters angle. Her arms are angled up, with her upper arms parallel to the ground and her forearms held vertical.ALT
The same woman seen from the back, looking off to the right. She is leaned slightly back with her weight resting on the back left foot. Her hair is curled and hangs down her back.ALT

My most recent make is this ancient Minoan ensemble! It consists of a tunic (heanos) worn under a flounced wraparound skirt shaped like a double-bladed axe (labrys). Despite how heavy the linen skirt is, the entire outfit is surprisingly easy to move around in. I even waded into the river to rescue a bee!

Woman standing in mid-calf-length water. She's seen from the side/back, bent over and looking right. She holds up her skirt with her right hand and stretches her left arm in front of her, holding a thin reed. The tiny bee is barely visible as a small beige lump at the end of the reed.ALT

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photography history fashion COOL LOVE. WANT. NEED. SO DOPE!!!