Master List and About Audio Files

Master list with all my meta, hc’s, reader fics, Abigail and OC profiles, fanfic requests and FAQ are listed here.

ALL AUDIO CONVERSATIONS ARE FINISHED. There are only 5 missing and they are not posted because of breaking tumblr’s content rules. 

(These are the racism towards Javier and Charles, Lenny’s pocket watch and the Bill/Kieran audio for violence.)

Every single newspaper, side mission journals, drawings, bounty hunting notices, letters and more have been posted.

I am willing to accept audio requests for certain types of files, but no guarentees. Check profile rules for written requests! : )

Errr kind of flipping out. My thesis isn’t what my thesis council was looking for. That’s bad. I can’t do the amount of corrections he wants in less than a week. No idea what this means for graduation.






reminder that visibly religious people belong at pride. that person wearing a hijab is not a threat to you. that person wearing tzitzit and a kippah is not a threat to you. someone simply wearing an item that is culturally or religiously important to them is not a threat to you. however, your aggression upon seeing a religious person at pride is a threat to them.


anyway two nice jewish boys who fall in love at yeshiva and start their own independent queer minyan. two hijabi girls praying together after celebrating their one year anniversary at their favorite halal restaurant. a sikh trans girl showing her sikh trans guy friend how to properly wrap his rainbow turban for pride. a nonbinary hindu couple getting henna done for their wedding.


if ur uncomfortable with us being at pride, simply do not go ❤️


(via queer-sadie-adler)



Yarrow and Feverfew

Art trade with the incredible @liscepu, I’m so grateful for the chance! Thank you for fueling my love for the game again <3

(via jaderavenarts)

I wish I could share my academic work with you all. :( I’ve now written over 250 pages of TB stuff. (meaning stuff beyond my thesis.) and a huge sex work paper among a few other things. I also have a lot of powerpoint presentations that are easy to follow!
I’d love to see if it could be helpful for you all, but to even share paragraphs would doxx me because some of publications. : (
It sucks, because I feel like I don’t have anything to share with you all who have supported me.


I think the most fucked up thing about intrusive thoughts is it’s really difficult to discuss them without discussing their content, because without a discussion of their content it’s impossible to get across just how distressing and debilitating they are. “Oh, you have unpleasant thoughts sometimes? Yeah we all have that, I guess.”

But if you discuss their content there’s this huge risk of people just pulling away in disgust. “Oh god, you have THOSE sorts of thoughts? They should lock freaks like you the fuck up!” As if they think people act on every single thought they have.

Yes to all this and the tags before that. I have literally sat there and cried because I felt so crazy. I felt so alone and it’s some of the worst I ever felt because you just CAN’T get rid of them no matter what. It really does take some help whether it’s research online, talking to a friend or professional help to get through it.
I had to VERY carefully turn to tumblr for mine. I was lucky that people weren’t too harsh about it. But I still get these thoughts. They weren’t harmful, thankfully, but to hear that it at all would have disturbed people, I think.
See, intrusive thoughts are scary for everyone, but if you have OCD? It’s a whole different type of hell.

(via queer-sadie-adler)




national holiday



(via manicmarsupial)


While the entire encounter between Javier and John in red dead one is absolutely terrible and makes me so sad, the thing that makes me the most sad is John pointing his gun downward when he realizes Javier does not plan to harm him.

I always feel like in this scene John is stalling, he could have just shot Javier immediately, but he doesn’t, he lowers his gun. And Javier? He chooses to jump out of the window after pushing John to the ground despite having the time and chance to shoot him and get it over with, to ensure his own safety.

Neither wants to harm the other and they desperately try to find a way where they don’t need to but after realizing that there is no universe where one of them doesn’t get hurt they fight. But still, Javier runs, and if John had let him he would have disappeared and neither would have needed to see the other again, but John’s loyalty is now to his family not to Javier. He takes no pleasure in going after Javier, but he does it because he needs to.


(via 12timetraveler)



the way some people draw Javier Escuella’s chin and jawline sharp and pointy with 0% fat is unforgivable I’ll see you in hell




L with the T. happy pride ❤️🧡🤍🩷🩵

[Image description: 3 square graphics showing the trans and lesbian flags together over a pink, jagged, washi-tape textured background. The first image shows a single flag with the 5-stripe lesbian colors (red, orange, pink and magenta) blending into the trans flag. The second image shows the lesbian and trans flags crossing their poles in the middle. The third image shows the two flags waving in opposite directions. End ID]

(via tacticalhimbo)