
sometimes you make a post and then ur notes are full of transfems with identical luna terra pfps, identical ojou smothering tithe pfps and identical dungeon meshi pfps, they’re all totally seperate blogs with completely identical interests, yes it is confusing


“gal” and “woman” have different connotations with adjectival nouns. l;ike “moon gal” = astronomist but “moon woman” = she lives on the moon, or maybe she is the moon


We don’t face it because facing it gives it power, but not facing it gives it more.

It must be in every word. Behind every law. Close at hand in the medium of every interaction. It is euphemized in every human culture, its fearful power deliberately omitted from public discourse among nations in favor of an impersonal rationalization such as “gravity,” a dispersal of responsibility before the face of the right to choose and the burden of free will. But a trick like this will not work: in the rationalization is an admission of agency to refute all denial and account all action.

Through power, humans decide what is right and what is wrong. But “what is wrong” does not become impossible. And it, like righteousness, knows power. It’s the obverse face, everything that humans already are, but will never admit. The shortcut to attaining it is to accept everything they call transgression.

Before that happens, I will tell you a little secret.



a simple crayon sketch of Saturn from Heaven Will Be Mine, done in grey, orange, and blue. Saturn is in profile, her fringe obscuring her eyes but showing us her mouth, turned down slightly at the corners. the mood is low. text underneath says "I can't stand being human like this."ALT
crayon drawings in candy and jewel tones. a figure silhouetted by a bright red background peers into the Gravity Well. Saturn cosplays Pluto, Luna Terra, and Halimede, with appropriate personality for each. Mercury has bunny ears to go with his normal bridge bunny attire. no hints provided as to who convinced him to wear them.ALT
Bright crayon drawings. A twisty, twirly String of Pearls with Saturn's hair stalks forward, one paw foreshortened. Her body curves unnaturally and her eye gleams red in her otherwise darkened, obscured, and simplified face. At the bottom of the page, simple, cartoon drawings of Luna Terra smoking and looking away nonchalantly, while Halimede puts a hand to her, Halimedes, chest, blushing and a little mad.ALT
Saturn approaches Luna Terra from behind, thrusting her hands up Luna Terra's shirt and remarking "It's farking cold!" This is an oddly chosen reference to infamous gamer webcomic Control Alt Delete. Luna Terra narrowly suppresses her automatic kill reaction.ALT
A sketch comic with 4 panels. Pluto says something, rendered literally as "Pluto noises." Saturn pauses, blushing and stammering, in the middle of an argument with Mercury. Mercury unhands her and takes a snapshot of her face with a camera. Finally, he looks at the preview and thinks "I should develop this..." The artist has only just, upon writing this caption, remembered an analog camera does not have image previews.ALT
Simple pen drawings of Halimede emoji: pensive, weary, pleading, and relaxed.ALT
Line drawings of Luna Terra in medium teal ink. She variously looks tired, shocked, whatever emotion Komaeda dot jpeg is supposed to represent - perhaps a mix of crestfallen and sheepish - and, finally, a little cat-like and maybe smug about how good she looks in her leather jacket and bra.ALT
Simple line drawing of Saturn, posed casually with one arm resting on a propped up knee while the other holds an old timey phone to her ear, saying to the person on the other end, "I can't even say you wish you were me, cause you fundamentally lack the imagination. You're laughing but that's kinda an indictment of your whole character." A pause. "Also you r are sucks btw."ALT
Line drawing. Saturn as Parappa the rapper, silly and mischievous.ALT
Page of line drawing and pen tests. Saturn with her fringe flipped the other way. Saturn brattily replying to the text at the top of the paper saying the page was intentionally left blank- "Not anymore!" Saturn and an original character with swapped outfits.ALT
A simple, loose line drawing of a smug Saturn, with her hands in her hoodie pockets.ALT
A solemn line drawing of Saturn's face, eyes obscured with a build up of dots, hair minimally rendered in spare bursts of parallel curving lines. Her mouth is open - is she in the throes of something?ALT
Saturn with cat ears and cat tail, posing with her huge cat paw curling, drawn in highlighter markers: bright yellow, blue, orange, and pink, overlapping in areas to produce new and deeper colours.ALT

heaven will be mine dump!

i love drawing with crayon on decade-old printer paper it’s my lifeblood

a simple crayon sketch of Saturn from Heaven Will Be Mine, done in grey, orange, and blue. Saturn is in profile, her fringe obscuring her eyes but showing us her mouth, turned down slightly at the corners. the mood is low. text underneath says "I can't stand being human like this."ALT
crayon drawings in candy and jewel tones. a figure silhouetted by a bright red background peers into the Gravity Well. Saturn cosplays Pluto, Luna Terra, and Halimede, with appropriate personality for each. Mercury has bunny ears to go with his normal bridge bunny attire. no hints provided as to who convinced him to wear them.ALT
Bright crayon drawings. A twisty, twirly String of Pearls with Saturn's hair stalks forward, one paw foreshortened. Her body curves unnaturally and her eye gleams red in her otherwise darkened, obscured, and simplified face. At the bottom of the page, simple, cartoon drawings of Luna Terra smoking and looking away nonchalantly, while Halimede puts a hand to her, Halimedes, chest, blushing and a little mad.ALT
Saturn approaches Luna Terra from behind, thrusting her hands up Luna Terra's shirt and remarking "It's farking cold!" This is an oddly chosen reference to infamous gamer webcomic Control Alt Delete. Luna Terra narrowly suppresses her automatic kill reaction.ALT
A sketch comic with 4 panels. Pluto says something, rendered literally as "Pluto noises." Saturn pauses, blushing and stammering, in the middle of an argument with Mercury. Mercury unhands her and takes a snapshot of her face with a camera. Finally, he looks at the preview and thinks "I should develop this..." The artist has only just, upon writing this caption, remembered an analog camera does not have image previews.ALT
Simple pen drawings of Halimede emoji: pensive, weary, pleading, and relaxed.ALT
Line drawings of Luna Terra in medium teal ink. She variously looks tired, shocked, whatever emotion Komaeda dot jpeg is supposed to represent - perhaps a mix of crestfallen and sheepish - and, finally, a little cat-like and maybe smug about how good she looks in her leather jacket and bra.ALT
Simple line drawing of Saturn, posed casually with one arm resting on a propped up knee while the other holds an old timey phone to her ear, saying to the person on the other end, "I can't even say you wish you were me, cause you fundamentally lack the imagination. You're laughing but that's kinda an indictment of your whole character." A pause. "Also you r are sucks btw."ALT
Line drawing. Saturn as Parappa the rapper, silly and mischievous.ALT
Page of line drawing and pen tests. Saturn with her fringe flipped the other way. Saturn brattily replying to the text at the top of the paper saying the page was intentionally left blank- "Not anymore!" Saturn and an original character with swapped outfits.ALT
A simple, loose line drawing of a smug Saturn, with her hands in her hoodie pockets.ALT
A solemn line drawing of Saturn's face, eyes obscured with a build up of dots, hair minimally rendered in spare bursts of parallel curving lines. Her mouth is open - is she in the throes of something?ALT
Saturn with cat ears and cat tail, posing with her huge cat paw curling, drawn in highlighter markers: bright yellow, blue, orange, and pink, overlapping in areas to produce new and deeper colours.ALT

heaven will be mine dump!

i love drawing with crayon on decade-old printer paper it’s my lifeblood


Please help save our home

So, uhh, yeah. Things have gone to shit and stayed there. I’m not super stoked about having my name in full here, but whatever. Things are desperate.


happy 2024 :)




I wanted to post the prompt list a month in advance so people have time to work on it :)

There are no hard rules; it’s just a fun art exercise to draw things that are considered “cringe” by popular culture. Don’t stress if you miss a day!!

Even if you don’t participate, it would mean the world to me if you just shared the prompt list because it took me a while to make it lol.

I hope you have fun with it!!!

tell me about your favorite little touhou girls


Halimede wept.

critical support to our foremost trans ally princess, Halimede, in these troubled times (people getting mad on twitter)