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Blender Model Export to X3D

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Example Files | Blender | File Export | Save As | X3D-Edit | Meta Tags | Scene Corrections | IndexFaceSet Corrections | Final Model | HTML Page | Acknowledgements | Contact

This authoring example shows how to export a Blender model as an Extensible 3D (X3D) Graphics model, then make necessary improvements for the Web using X3D-Edit.

  1. Example Files. Here are the Blender model and X3D-export files of interest for this tutorial.
  2. Blender. Here is the Blender entry screen showing the blender model of interest loaded.

    Blender Entry Screen

  3. File Export. Here is the menu sequence to perform an export is File > Export > X3D:

    Blender File Export X3D

  4. Save As. Confirm or change the filename and directory selected for export:

    Blender FileExport X3D - File Dialog

  5. X3D-Edit. Load the model in X3D-Edit. The following views show original view, Scale-to-Fit view, and Wireframe view (Xj3D alt-shift-W).

    Original Blender export model

  6. Meta Tags. Insert additional file metadata
  7. Scene Corrections. Some corrections to the exported X3D model. These problems are submitted to the Blender community for correction and improvement.
  8. IndexFaceSet Corrections. Adjust IndexFaceSet parameters as follows to fix common export problems.

    The following modified-model views show the camera view, Scale-to-Fit view, and Wireframe view (Xj3D alt-shift-W). Note underlying problems with one-sided polygone (e.g. dorsal fin) and polygon creases that the above fixes address.

    Modified Blender export model

  9. Final Model. Here is how the final model looks, with creaseAngle smoothed.

    Final Blender export model

  10. HTML Page. HTML Object Tag for X3D shows how to place X3D objects within an HTML page, and Modify, rename and edit a copy of newHtmlPageWithX3dObject.html to build an HTML page containing your scene.

    Here is the final web page: MyPetShark.html.

  11. Acknowledgements. The original shark model was created by Teck Hwee Wong. Numerous questions and ideas for improvements to this page were contributed by NPS MOVES MV3202 students, February 2008.


Questions, suggestions and comments about these resources are welcome. Please send them to Don Brutzman (brutzman at

Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for this page is
Revised 5 March 2008.

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"Material contained herein is made available for the purpose of
peer review and discussion and does not necessarily reflect the
views of the Department of the Navy or the Department of Defense."