Queer Shipper

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Welcome Post

Hi, I’m Sam :)

I’m currently obsessed with Dead Boy Detectives, so that is basically all I’ll post about for a while


My last obsession was Loki, and I have two Lokius fics on my ao3.

I’m currently writing a Catwin boarding school au fanfic! I’m 22,000 words in, and not even half way done. Wish me luck!

I also like other things such as: Good Omens, Sherlock, Wednesday, Vampire diaries, School Spirits, What we do in the Shadows, Umbrella Academy, Bee & Puppy Cat and more.

And I like a few things I haven’t actually finished watching: Our Flag Means Death, Dr. Who, House MD, Rick & Morty, Percy Jackson, Avatar the last airbender, and Hannibal

Also feel free to reach out and say hi :) I’m also willing to be a beta reader or editor for things

Pinned Post sam or whatever welcome post

In hindsight it's very insulting to be told that flunking out of college due to adhd is actually "quite common"


just like, if there's a history at your institution of disabled kids not being able to make it you realise that's your fault right. like why don't you fucking do something about it. i guess they tried to do something about it with me and it failed so they let me go. crazy. nice work. why should we try to do any better.


only 5% of people with adhd who go to college finish a degree. FUCKING. FIVE!!! PERCENT!!!!!!!!!!!

that should disgust and enrage you.

if any other demographic of students had a 95% failure rate, we would be demanding reform and studies to understand why that’s happening

when i was at my first university, trying to get accommodations for my ADHD, they just kept asking me what accommodations i wanted, and refused to answer when i would ask what was available to me. how the Hell am i supposed to know what i can have? what’s available???? also, i don’t know!!!! i’m an adhd sufferer, not a fucking disability expert for the fucking college, unlike you, DISABILITY EXPERT WHO WORKS FOR THE COLLEGE.

but because the us is OBSESSED with making sure no one gets anything “”for free””, she literally would not tell me what my options were until i broke down in tears and asked her why she was refusing to help me. and then she did a big sigh, like i was fucking up her entire career by *checks notes* asking the disability center in my university to help me, a disabled student

at the second uni i went to, i tried to explain to a dean that i was literally two gen eds that had nothing to do with my degree away from graduating and that i was burnt out and broke and exhausted and suicidal and i just needed to be able to finish my degree without the gen eds. and this. fucking. guy. looked me right in my face and said in the most patronizing tone he could muster “if you can’t handle it, then maybe college just isn’t for you.” keep in mind that up until that semester, i had been an honor student who made Dean’s List every semester and didn’t get below Bs. if it hadn’t been for my mental breakdown, i would have graduated cum laude, maybe even summa cum laude.

but this dean of students looked a disabled person right in the face and said well i guess you just can’t do it, short bus



Pulled these from a couple articles really quick but yeah the statistics are not kind. I remember writing a scathing essay about my issues with ADHD and college as part of an assignment for academic probation. I got back an email calling me entitled and lazy. Somehow, this thread helps me feel a lot better. I still have about a semester of school unfinished that I’m unsure if I’ll finish but… yeah. Makes me feel better to know it’s not just me.


As someone with ADHD who did graduate college, I can say that I only did it because of the accessibility help that was provided to me. But I had to literally get a minor in Accessibility in order to find out how to get the help I needed.

and after all that I still don't have a job in accessibility because I no longer have a support system sam says whatever real life

I wonder if Charles likes Edwin's bitchiness so much because Edwin is never afraid to tell people exactly what he's thinking and doesn't give a fuck about consequences

For someone who spent a solid chunk of his life walking on eggshells around a violent father and still does his level best to make people think he's a walking ball of sunshine, that has to feel refreshing as fuck

love this take dead boy detectives


We trending???

Since we are trending let me drop a stupid tweet I made which was liked and retweeted by Richard Speight Jr aka the director of Ep 7


WHAT IM SAYING IS Steve and Beth are definitely working to get a season 2 NOW. They are definitely in negotiations with all the powers that be so WE NEED TO BE LOUD AND PROUD of how good this show is and how everyone on this hell site would definitely love it


steve yockey dead boy detectives

So I managed to get my mom to watch a single ep of dead boy detectives, but she asked if the rest of the episodes were “more scary” and I said yes (because I know she hates spiders/bugs), so she decided to stop watching.

Later, we were talking about why it was scary, and I eventually told her about ep 7, and she was just like “Oh, well every fantasy show has a giant spiders. That’s fine. As long as the butcher shop apartments don’t get ants.”

I don't pretend to understand dead boy detectives