Writing Masterlist

My writing tag!
My Ao3
OC Info powerpoint

Out unseen
Fantasy setting | Painful magic healing | Magic mind control | Intimate whumper | Team dynamics | Some explicit content

By flash and thunder fire
Whumptober 2020 | Kidnapping | Betrayal of trust | Conflicted whumper/caretaker | Lady vs mean men

Based on a roleplay with @whumpymirages | pirate kidnaps a princess, falls in love | f/f enemies to friends to lovers | the captain is gross

Generic characters
aka generic scenarios or oneshots with characters i’m never gonna use again

Writing Challenges


You’ve been kidnapped, and the characters from the last show you watched are coming to save you.

I’m rescued and everything goes smoothly and peacefully

I’m rescued, but they also cause a lot of trouble along the way

I’m rescued but barely, they are either incompetent or extremely chaotic

I’m rescued, and then they kill me

I’m not rescued because they are unable to rescue me

I’m not rescued cause they didn’t even try

I’m not rescued and they make more trouble for me

I’m not rescued, they kill both me and the captors

Other option I haven’t thought of/nuance

I don’t watch tv shows/Im bald/show results

This post is kinda like my other one but a bit better lmao. I might make variations of this with other pieces of media but it depends onnn how well this is received



Now introducing the prompt list for Whumpmas in July 2024! 

Thank you for patiently waiting! As a reminder, we will not be reblogging any creations on this blog and will instead keep this blog as a space to only post the prompts, tags, and relevant information. We will post the tag for each day, and we ask that you use two tags when filling prompts this year so that others may find your creations easily: 

Tag 1 —> #wij24day__ (Fill in the blank with the appropriate day number for the prompt you are filling! For example, if you are doing the prompt for day 21, make sure to tag your post with #wij24day21.)

Tag 2 —> #whumpmasinjuly2024

Be sure to also tag @whumpmasinjuly-archive if you would like your posts reblogged to our new official archive account! Of course, feel free to use any other relevant tags too!

You can also find a banner that you can use in your posts (if you want, not required) under the #wijbanner tag.

The prompts are divided into three categories: community (red boxes), question (green boxes), and creation (white boxes). Everyone is free to participate as much or as little as they want–there’s no completionist requirement! This list provides a preview of the prompts, but on each day a more detailed post will be released with more context and additional suggestions for each day’s task. Similar to previous years, all prompts and other important information will be found under the #infowhumpmasinjuly tag and #infowij24 for ease of access. This blog will also use the tags #wijquestion #wijcommunity , and #wijprompt respectively for each post so that you can filter and find the type of prompts you’d like to do. 

Below the cut is a text list of this year’s prompts:

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Out unseen - ch. 12

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Volkan sends a message.

contents: noncon, beatings, forced orgasm, amateur photography

It was important, in some abstract, distant part of her mind, for her to listen. These visits were the sort of business Volkan would only conduct in total seclusion, and these visitors were prominent members of society. She needed names, titles, anything to bring back with her if—when—she escaped. Volkan always made introductions, allowed her to linger as ornamentation while they made small talk, and then sent her to be restrained in the basement or a bedroom before true conversation began. It comforted her in some cold way, the thought that he still felt compelled to keep her from the dealings of his underworld. She could almost convince herself that he still saw her as a threat on some level. He still had reason to be cautious. She wasn’t lost forever. 

Read the full chapter on Ao3


Out unseen - ch. 12

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Volkan sends a message.

contents: noncon, beatings, forced orgasm, amateur photography

It was important, in some abstract, distant part of her mind, for her to listen. These visits were the sort of business Volkan would only conduct in total seclusion, and these visitors were prominent members of society. She needed names, titles, anything to bring back with her if—when—she escaped. Volkan always made introductions, allowed her to linger as ornamentation while they made small talk, and then sent her to be restrained in the basement or a bedroom before true conversation began. It comforted her in some cold way, the thought that he still felt compelled to keep her from the dealings of his underworld. She could almost convince herself that he still saw her as a threat on some level. He still had reason to be cautious. She wasn’t lost forever. 

Read the full chapter on Ao3

#bastard man #he almost seems kind here #almost

The whump community: where you can beat the shit out of someone, photograph it to blackmail her friends, and then rape her, and be considered “almost kind”

Out unseen - ch. 12

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Volkan sends a message.

contents: noncon, beatings, forced orgasm, amateur photography

It was important, in some abstract, distant part of her mind, for her to listen. These visits were the sort of business Volkan would only conduct in total seclusion, and these visitors were prominent members of society. She needed names, titles, anything to bring back with her if—when—she escaped. Volkan always made introductions, allowed her to linger as ornamentation while they made small talk, and then sent her to be restrained in the basement or a bedroom before true conversation began. It comforted her in some cold way, the thought that he still felt compelled to keep her from the dealings of his underworld. She could almost convince herself that he still saw her as a threat on some level. He still had reason to be cautious. She wasn’t lost forever. 

Read the full chapter on Ao3


A Friendly Warning

CW: Whump, Beatings, Forced to Watch, Gags, Lots of Threats, a lil Claustrophobia.

½ James Whump, ½ Field Medicine/Comfort


Ivy was the last in tow. 

It was disorienting in the dark, but she could discern enough. She could hear them both up ahead, James shouting without panic in his voice, Mac’s heavy breathing and occasional shout of shock as they were pushed ahead by rough hands wrapped around their upper arms and shoving against their backs.

“Get the fuck off me!” Ivy hissed again, her voice catching in the fabric around her face, kicking out blindly and striking the edge of a doorframe instead of her captors shin.

“This’ll do,” a man said from up ahead. 

Ivy’s heart was rattling in her chest. From the moment the barrel of a gun had pressed into her neck on their walk home from the market, she hadn’t caught her breath. It was all such a shock; they hadn’t even been on the job! But unarmed and outnumbered, the three of them had been roughly handled into the back of a van, bags over their heads, zipties holding their wrists behind their backs. 

Then they’d been dragged outside, Ivy’s shoes skidding on gravel until the air went stale and the floor turned to tile.

This had to be the end of the road. Some kind of execution.

“Yeah, you got it, just there.”

Mac made a sound and–

Ivy’s ankle was kicked out under her and she fell to her knees with a yelp. A hard hand landed on her shoulder as the bag was torn from her head and the room burst into cold fluorescent light.

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