

Pets love to show up like Hello i am Mystery Wet :)

Me: “Cat, why? Where has this tail been?”

Cat: “Perhaps I explored the tub after your shower. Perhaps I sat too close to the sink. Perhaps it is pee. I love our little mysteries.”

(via furubat)


Broke: Zelda doesn’t use normal weapons because she’s a dainty girl and girls don’t get to be violent.

Woke: Zelda doesn’t use normal weapons because she craves violence and seeing the fear in her enemies’ eyes right before she smashes their faces in with rocks, tables, and other random mundane objects is way more fun.

And here comes Zelda with the steel chair!

(via clean-acts-for-reasonable-prices)

tbh from the trailer it would probably be a wooden chair but you know


Alright, Star Wars fandom, I don’t know or care what the eff is going on with The Acolyte



“Immaculate Conception” does not mean “virgin birth” and does not refer to Jesus’s birth or conception. “Immaculate Conception” refers to how Mary was conceived without sin.

Please stop using this phrase incorrectly.

(via clean-acts-for-reasonable-prices)

Indy Theme by Safe As Milk