Migrants in transit through the Americas

The Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) is IOM's global methodology for monitoring and tracking migrant and displaced populations in order to analyze trends in migratory flows. For this interactive dashboard, the flow monitoring component of DTM was used to obtain qualitative and quantitative data on migration trends. The DTM data shown in this dashboard has been collected since October, 2022, in different locations in Central America and Mexico.

This interactive dashboard also presents official government data known as administrative data. Specifically, it features irregular migration data from the governments of Panama and Honduras, and regular migration data from Costa Rica, Panama, Mexico, Honduras and the Dominican Republic.

To navigate the interactive dashboard, in the drop-down menus, you can filter by survey country, locality or flow monitoring point, date and nationality. It is possible to filter other variables by selecting the graph of the respective variable in any visual object on the page. In addition, you can clear the filters with the respective button in the left menu.

The total data should not be interpreted as a regional trend, it represents only an approximation of the data. For the DTM data there are limitations in the data collection which was performed in different hours, days, weeks and months; and for the government data, different data collection methodologies are used.