be very tender;
adj. soft or delicate in quality.
you do not have to be good. you do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting. you only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves. tell me about despair, yours, and i will tell you mine. meanwhile the world goes on. โ€” mary oliver; wild geese.
๐š ๐šŽ ๐š— ยท ๐š ๐šŽ ๐š›


it is in your self-interest to find a way to be very tender.
โ€” jenny holzer.
Jun. 16th

Hello everyone

Iโ€™m Malk Iโ€™m 14 years old but I am feeling that am 70 years๐Ÿ˜”

My parents took great care of us, giving us everything they had, and my childhood was wonderful to some extent.

I lived through four wars, the latest being in 2021, during which we lost everything: our warm home and my mom's office where she worked in digital marketing.

My dad is one of the owners of the Jewel Tower, but my family decided to leave Gaza for Turkey in 2022 because the tower hadn't been built yet, and to provide a better life for us.

My dad couldn't leave Gaza, so he returned before the war because my grandfather is sick and needs care. I wish I were with my dad because I fear losing him.

The past few months have been the hardest for us and our family.

I hope you can help me by sharing the link and donating so I can get my family from Gaza๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

12,105 notes
Jun. 16th

A reminder that HelpGazaChildren is an on the ground grassroots effort to directly help families in Gaza recieve basic necessities like food, water, and clothing! Both in the North and the South! Hussam has even been able to bring toys to the displaced children!!!

Donate today!!

13,252 notes
Jun. 16th

this fundraiser is vetted. please don't let it get lost despite the blog being gone. tumblr keeps deleting palestinians' accounts.

25,461 notes
Jun. 15th


I recently had Fahed and his family reach out to me in need of aid, still far off their GoFundMe goal. If you can spare even a small amount, please consider supporting this family of 8. Reblogs to share the campaign are very appreciated as well! Thank you!!

see more information also at @danashehab!

Thank you, my friend, for this contribution ❤️

6,119 notes
Jun. 15th

The moment a residential tower was targeted in the Bureij refugee camp in central Gaza City

Covering events is not an easy job. We are exposed to difficult situations while reporting the news to you

You can donate for my family

If you ever wanted to support a Palestinian journalist, here's your chance

25,795 notes

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