You'll never walk alone

types of students: drinks

coffee: constantly writing notes, passionate discussions in class, drumming your fingers against a desk, pens over pencils, patterned blouses, the exhilaration when you get a good grade

tea: unapologetic femininity, proving judgemental people wrong, lipstick kisses, obsessing over new markers, intimidating people with intelligence, strong opinions, endless love in your heart

water: the pressure to be perfect, thick curly hair, warm smiles and infinite freckles, rigorous studying, a quick wit, warm hugs, re-writing papers, raising your hand when you don’t know the answer

soda: loose t-shirts, reformed troublemakers, aiming for the stars, spelling bee champion, the perfect flush of straight a’s, college sweatshirts, foreign languages, wrinkling noses and loud laughter

juice: eclectic wardrobe, extra credit, colorful notes, waking up early, traveling around the world, multilingual, millions of glitter pens, perky grins, passion for learning, was a gifted kid

energy drink: technology whiz, dyed hair, rapid problem solving, casual sarcasm, fighting for equality, political science, typing at the speed of light, music while studying, black nail polish, casual gender non-conformity

milkshake: strawberry lipgloss and bleached hair, a life lived to the fullest, staying up past midnight with a good book, pretty highlighters, intense focus, sparknotes, cramming for tests with soda and gummy bears, celebrations with friends after an exam

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