In Search of the Happiness Max


OK, Tumblr, let’s play a game! RT for maximum chaos!

You’re in a room. It’s dark in here. what do you do?

Go East

Go West

Go South

Go North

Stumble around aimlessly in the dark

Vanilla extract

See Results

I discovered you can’t edit posts that contain polls or reblog them, which complicates things. I’m pinning this post to my profile as a starting point for the story/game.

[Link to next part.]


I hope this email finds you and in the darkness binds you.

#in the land of outlook where the colleagues lie - outstanding contribution, @haladriel - this passes peer review!


Screenshot of Gale from BG3. Pasted on text post: "i'm not a former gifted student. i am still gifted. put me in a fourth grade class i'll annihilate them all like i did the first time."ALT
Screenshot of Lae'zel from BG3. Pasted on text post: "I am NOT the bigger person. you have to die"ALT
Screenshot of Astarion from BG3. Pasted on text post: "i am normal and i can be trusted around exposed neck flesh."ALT
Screenshot of Karlach from BG3. Pasted on text post: "when you are having the horrors I am telepathically sending you a bowl of warm soup, a mug of hot cocoa, a cozy blanket, and a hug (if you want one) with my brain."ALT
Screenshot of Wyll from BG3. Pasted on text post: "*organizes a meeting w my mind, body, and soul* so what the fuck is going on around here"ALT
Screenshot of Shadowheart from BG3. Pasted on text post by username fuck the moon @fuckthem00n:  "fly me to the moon  let me kick it's fucking ass  let me show it what i learned  in my moon jujitsu class"ALT

BG3 text posts with the main tadfools <3

part 2 | part 3



THAT one’s goin on the list too now!




So Arizona launched an “education hotline” that allows “concerned parents” to report “””critical race theory””” and other things like ~gender identity~ being taught in the classroom

It would be a shame if the number and email were spread to bad actors looking to prank call the AZ Department of Education

602-771-3500 or empower @ azed .gov 🤡

and for the love of god, don’t just spam it with memes or le funny shrek jokes or whatever, they’ll just hang up

make plausible-sounding reports for things that don’t actually exist, so that they actually have to waste time/resources investigating false leads - the goal is to waste time they would otherwise be using to do their jobs, not to get tumblr clout for being an epic troll

So apparently the internet article said the superintendent wouldn’t be deterred by the prank calls because they would ‘taper off eventually’. It’d be a real shame if this post stayed in circulation via queues so they get a consistent list of prank calls to filter through. 😇


I’m curious about something to see how universal one of my school experiences was

Did you ever have a class in “the portables”?



I dont know what you mean

Oh, wait, I voted wrong! I didn’t realise you meant physically in. I thought you meant as a subject!

We called them porta-cabins, and only had one very briefly in Junior school.


Every time




my favorite type of bethesda npcs are the ones that live in cities that will just walk straight up to you, stop and go “You better have a good reason for bothering me”

This is just all of New York in real life



a black ceramic mug carved with a rabbit skull in long grass. it reads 'the horrors persist'ALT
the handle of the mug decorated with long grassesALT
the other side of the mug, decorated with two rabbits nose to nose. one is an adult and the other one is a baby. it reads 'but so do we'ALT
the underside of the mug. it reads 'but so do you' and it's signed 'clay pigeon '24'ALT

can’t sleep, carving instead

a black ceramic mug decorated with two rabbit skulls in the grass. it reads 'the horrors persist'ALT
a black ceramic mug decorated with two rabbits nose to nose. it reads 'but so do we'ALT





sobbing and crying at the woman who stole a meth addicted kitten from her dealer and then she and the kitten got clean together

Post from r/meth by u/borgurtlen: My cat was an addictALT
Tina, a healthy adult black and white cat, sleeping on a bed. There is a stuffed dog toy by her paws.ALT
Tina, as a sick black and white kitten in a cardboard box. Camera flash makes her pupils blue.ALT

thats love baby!!


I volunteer for my local shelter and when the weather’s good, we do a free vaccine clinic every Friday. Free distemper, free rabies, cats and dogs. We hand out free food from the pet pantry, we give people leashes and collars, we do whatever we can to keep people’s animals at home and healthy. Every animal that can stay home and be fed and be vaccinated is an animal that we can keep out of the shelter.

We get all kinds of folks, sometimes we even get backyard breeders but we don’t do any judgment, because we want people to come and get their dogs vaccinated, because one parvo case costs $7000+ and the whole year of Parvo vaccines for hundreds of dogs costs less. It’s just harm reduction, everything we do is harm reduction.

So anyway, this one day this woman comes up to the vax clinic and she is high as fuckin’ hell, just obliterated fucked up, smoking a joint in line, and she has this TINY pibble puppy with her, maaaaybe four weeks old. This thing is so fuckin tiny and wormy and lethargic, and she’s like, “Hey I heard I can get her shots.” and we’re like, oh fuck this puppy is gonna die. Like straight up, we were all like, fuck that dog is gonna die. So we gave her wormer, we gave the first distemper shot, and I put together a whole care package: wormer to take home, puppy milk replacer, puppy wet food, a leash, a harness, some blankets, toys, we gave her instructions on how to get the puppy eating food, and we told her to come back in 3 weeks for the follow up vaccine. And we were all like, well fuck, that puppy’s gonna die, goddamnit, that’s so fucked up. But you know, we did our best, and we hoped we’d see her again.

And in three weeks, you guys, she showed up. And she was still high, but like, half-high this time. Smoking a cigartte in line but like, could focus, could ask and answer questions. And she’d taught that tiny puppy how to SIT and had her walking on a leash. We found out that it took her three buses to get to the clinic, and she told us all about how she got the puppy eating right, got her stool solid, she was taking her on walks… The puppy looked so good, you guys. I almost cried, it was so big. Really happy puppy. At the end of the visit, we were like, ok, see you in three more weeks for the next distemper.

So three weeks later, she shows up, and she’s sober, and she told us, “You know, I was really fucked up the day I bought that puppy, I wasn’t sure I was going to live, and I bought that puppy and she was too young, and I didn’t know what I was doing but y'all were so nice to me, and you helped me so much, and I knew that I had to give this puppy the best life I could, so I moved back in with my grandma, and I’m getting clean, and I’m on methadone, and I’m going to rehab next week, and when I get back, I’ll come back and visit you guys again.”

So I just wanna say. Sometimes it’s hard to find a reason to get clean for yourself. Sometimes you gotta do it for a little critter that depends on you.