
I want to…

Restore images

Models that improve or restore images by deblurring, colorization, and removing noise

Upscale images

Upscaling models that create high-quality images from low-quality images

Train a language model

Language models that you can fine-tune using Replicate's training API.

Make 3D stuff

Models that generate 3D objects, scenes, radiance fields, textures and multi-views.

Latest models

This is an implementation of the ChatTTS as a Cog model.

Updated 37 runs

Updated 28 runs

AI that transforms sketches into realistic images. Upload your drawing and describe it in the prompt. You can also adjust the ControlNet parameters and scale the image to a higher resolution for better results

Updated 5 runs

Turns 10 mp4 into 1

Updated 33 runs

Stylized Audio-Driven Single Image Talking Face Animation

Updated 74.3K runs

Recreate images with Emojis

Updated 138 runs

Generate cute characters for reels and comics.

Updated 22 runs

The best Pony-SDXL models! Current one is based on Pony Realism.

Updated 308 runs

Fast and High-Quality Text-to-video Generation

Updated 368 runs

A PhotoBooth style transfer workflow that utilizes IPadapter Style, Canny, OpenPose, RemoveBackground, HumanSegmentation, Cloth Segmentation for initial input, and concludes with the application of DeepFake techniques.

Updated 33 runs

Create images of a given character in different poses

Updated 4.5K runs

Updated 37 runs

Fork of https://replicate.com/schananas/grounded_sam that uses OwlV2 instead of Grounding Dino

Updated 42 runs

AI Photorealistic Image Ultra-Resolution, Restoration and Upscale!

Updated 73 runs

Make realistic images of real people instantly

Updated 443K runs

try to reproduce the elegant woman asset

Updated 130 runs

Updated 33 runs

SDXL LoRA finetuned on spectrograms of Beethoven songs

Updated 12 runs

Inference SDXL with cog including multiple models in 1 instance support.

Updated 6.7K runs

Interior remodelling, keeps windows, ceilings, and doors. Uses a depth controlnet weighted to ignore existing furniture.

Updated 300 runs

COMPP FS24 - A fine tuned model of MusicGen for continuation of music files in the style of System of a Down.

Updated 15 runs

Guided Text to Speech Generator

Updated 73 runs

araby.ai oneshot faceswap

Updated 206 runs

viⓍTTS vixTTS là mô hình tạo sinh giọng nói cho phép bạn sao chép giọng nói sang các ngôn ngữ khác nhau chỉ bằng cách sử dụng một đoạn âm thanh nhanh dài 6 giây

Updated 285 runs

SDXL based text-to-image model applying Distribution Matching Distillation, supporting zero-shot identity generation in 2-5s. https://ai-visionboard.com

Updated 1.9M runs

Fast sdxl with higher quality

Updated 8.8K runs

make a music

Updated 238 runs

Run any ComfyUI workflow. Guide: https://github.com/fofr/cog-comfyui

Updated 265.3K runs

Super fast clothing (and face) segmentation and masking with erosion and dilation capability.

Updated 1.8K runs

for test

Updated 9 runs

A text-to-image generative AI model that creates beautiful images

Updated 52.8M runs

A Powerful Multi-Resolution Diffusion Transformer with Fine-Grained Chinese Understanding

Updated 50 runs

Use a face to make images. Uses SDXL fine-tuned checkpoints.

Updated 14.1K runs

This is phi-3-vision model , cost by time ,have fun~

Updated 36 runs

Updated 4.5K runs

Convert story to StableDiffusion prompts format

Updated 36 runs

openai whisper model on A100 hardware

Updated 39 runs

SDXL Fine tuned on sketchnote style images. Prompt Prefix: a sketchnote photo of TOK

Updated 67 runs

High resolution image Upscaler and Enhancer. Use at ClarityAI.co. A free Magnific alternative. Twitter/X: @philz1337x

Updated 1.9M runs

SDXL fine tuned for sketch output style

Updated 124 runs


Updated 927 runs

Image tagger fine-tuned on WaifuDiffusion w/ (SwinV2, SwinV2, ConvNext, and ViT)

Updated 20 runs

Updated 1.7K runs

✍️✨Prompts to auto-magically relights your images

Updated 3.3K runs

Replicate version from the work of Shanglin Li et al. called "ZONE: Zero-Shot Instruction-Guided Local Editing"

Updated 97 runs

🖼️✨Background images + prompts to auto-magically relights your images (+normal maps🗺️)

Updated 1.1K runs

RealVisXL v3 fine-tuned on 80s cyberpunk images

Updated 214 runs

A tiny model for testing out Cog

Updated 62 runs

Updated 16 runs